Theoretical Physics Seminar: Simone Pigolotti



Lab 4, F01


This is the 26th biweekly session of the OIST Theoretical Physics Seminar.
In this seminar series, we pretend to have a theoretical physics department, and tell each other informal stories over drinks and snacks.
Except no drinks and snacks, because people stopped consuming them for some reason. If you want them back, let me know.

Speaker: Simone Pigolotti (Biological Complexity).
Title: "Bifractal nature of chromosome contact maps"

In this talk I will present some basic facts about structure of chromosomes in higher organisms. I will then introduce the theory of multifractal and explain how to use it to describe scaling properties of chromosome structures. In passing, I will provide a (tentative) answer to a long-standing question: what can theoretical physics do for biology? Or, if the audience prefers, what can biology do for theoretical physics?

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