[Seminar] "Holographic geometries for non-relativistic systems emerging from generalized flow equations" by Dr. Shuichi Yokoyama

Quantum Gravity Unit (Neiman Unit) would like to invite you to a seminar by Dr. Shuichi Yokoyama from Kyoto University
Title: "Holographic geometries for non-relativistic systems emerging from generalized flow equations"
In this talk I will speak about my latest work on the extension of my previous work of the construction of anti-de Sitter (AdS) geometry from conformal field theory (CFT) by means of flow equations to non-relativistic systems. We investigate a general holographic geometry for a generic non-relativistic CFT and a flow equation in this framework. The resulting geometry is a hybrid geometry of Lifshitz and Schrödinger spacetimes. We confirm that this seemingly new geometry reduces to each of them by considering special non-relativistic models.
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