QG seminar: 't Hooft model as a String Theory
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 - 15:00
Lab 4, E01
QG visitor seminar.
Speaker: Adi Armoni (Swansea University).
Title: 't Hooft model as a String Theory.
2d QCD at large-N was solved by 't Hooft 50 years ago. It exhibits confinement and chiral symmetry breaking, a chiral condensate and a spectrum that consists of a Regge trajectory of Mesons. Yet, a precise string theory description has not been found yet.
In this talk I will present preliminary results, based on work in progress with Sugimoto, where we propose a string dual. I will also present a new field theory derivation of the results by 't Hooft, using the worldline formalism.
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