QG remote seminar: "Supersymmetric SYK model with global symmetry"


Friday, December 22, 2017 - 11:00 to 12:00


C209, Center Building


This is the QG group's first attempt at hosting a remote seminar.
Speaker: Junggi Yoon, postdoc at the Tata Insitute of Fundamental Research.
Title: "Supersymmetric SYK model with global symmetry"

We will discuss supersymmetric SYK model with global symmetry. We will briefly review the SYK model and will construct the new generalized model. We will discuss emergent symmetries at strong coupling limit and effective actions from the broken emergent symmetries. We will also discuss the chaotic behavior of four point functions. We will show that the zero modes in the low energy effective actions lead to three different leading Lyapunov exponents: 2pi/beta, pi/beta, 0. We will also present the sub-leading correction to the leading chaotic behaviors from the non-zero modes.

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