Engineering perturbative string duals for symmetric product orbifold CFTs





QG Seminar

Speaker: Yasuaki Hikida  (YITP, Kyoto University)

Title: Engineering perturbative string duals for symmetric product orbifold CFTs


AdS/CFT correspondence states that gravity theory on anti-de
Sitter (AdS) space is equivalent to lower dimensional conformal field
theory (CFT). The duality is important as it can be used to define
quantum gravity. However, it has not yet been proven generally even it
was proposed about 25 years ago. Recently, significant progress has been
made in this direction based on the tensionless limit of string theory
on AdS_3 with NSNS-flux. In this talk, I will derive an AdS/CFT
correspondence involving the tensionless strings and extend it away from
the tensionles limit. For this, I apply recent discussion on the moduli
localization of the string amplitudes and CFT_2 technique we developed
to reduce AdS_3 strings to the radial direction (Liouville) theory.


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