Past Events

Seminar by Dr Du, 'Measurement and control of single atoms in a cavity QED system'

C209, Level C, Centre Building
Speaker: Mr Jinjin Du State Key Laoratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices, Institute of Opto-Electronics, Shanxi University, China Seminar Title: Measurement and control of single atoms in a cavity QED system

"Progress in optical microfibre/nanowire based photonic devices from the ORC in Southampton UK and PRC in Dublin Ireland" Pengfei Wang

D014, Level D, Lab 1
Dr. Pengfei Wang, Senior Research Fellow, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland

"Femtosecond laser nanoprocessing and biomedical applications" by Mitsuhiro Terakawa

B503, Level B, Centre Building
Dr. Mitsuhiro Terakawa, Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Keio University

"Shaping light for imaging and manipulation" Kishan Dholakia

B503, Level B, Centre Building
Prof Kishan Dholakia, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of St Andrews, Scotland, U.K.

"From cavity QED with quantum gases to optomechanics" Helmut Ritsch

C210, Level C, Center Building
Professor Helmut Ritsch, Universität Innsbruck, Austria

"Asymmetric whispering gallery microcavity optics and photonics" Yun-Feng Xiao

C210, Level C, Center Building
Prof Yun-Feng Xiao, State Key Lab for Mesoscopic Physics, Peking University, P. R. China

Seminar 'Q-factor and finesse control of active microresonators'

C210, Level C, Center Building
Speaker: Professor Patrice Feron and Dr. Yannick Dumeige, ENSSAT-FOTON, France

Seminar by Prof Gordon 'Nanoplasmonics: Reaching Out to the Single Molecule'

C209, Level C, Center Building
Speaker: Reuven Gordon Ph.D. P. Eng., Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Victoria

Seminar by Prof Barker 'Cooling and manipulating complex particles'

C210, Level C, Center Building


Seminar by Dr. Melvin 'Probing biological questions with optical approaches'

B503, Level B, Center Building

