"Smart Inverters – Technology Solution for High Penetration Distributed PV" Leon Roose


Wednesday, February 4, 2015 - 13:00 to 14:00


Meeting Room C016, Lab1


Dear all,

Open Biology Unit would like to invite you to an upcoming seminar by Professor Leon Roose.

Date: Wednesday, February 4th, 2015
Time: 1:00p.m. - 2:00p.m.
Venue: Meeting Room C016, Lab1

Professor Leon Roose
Faculty Specialist
Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, University of Hawaii

Smart Inverters – Technology Solution for High Penetration Distributed PV

With the global solar industry experiencing significant growth,  Hawai‘i in particular has seen recent rapid growth in PV deployments with an annual doubling of installed total capacity of distributed rooftop PV in the last several years. At year end 2014,  more than 390 MW of utility approved rooftop PV systems have been installed on the Hawaiian Electric Company utility grids. In context,  this level of PV penetration is accomplished on small and isolated island power grids. The larger O‘ahu island grid,  similar in size to the power system on the main island of Okinawa,  has a peak demand of approximately 1, 200 MW with 283 MW of installed rooftop PV (and 99 MW of wind generation). In comparison,  the smaller Maui island grid has approximately 200 MW peak demand with 55 MW of installed rooftop PV (and 72 MW of wind). This rapid growth in rooftop PV has resulted in distribution level circuit penetrations well in excess of 100% of the daytime minimum load on numerous circuits in Hawai‘i. The high penetration of intermittent and variable distributed PV systems can result in undesirable variability in voltage and impacts to power quality and grid operability., The seminar will present a R&D project led by the Hawai‘i Natural Energy Institute and a team of recognized energy technology providers to develop enhanced capability smart inverters and to demonstrate improved grid performance,  control and visibility. Validation of performance is being implemented on operating utility distribution feeders with very high penetration of rooftop PV. This will be accomplished by deploying and evaluating smart inverters using new inverter management control software and standards-based communications systems. Detailed distribution modeling (modeled to the home meter and inverters) is employed to aid in development of inverter control algorithms/settings. The model will be validated using high resolution field captured data of inverter and grid performance. The project team will demonstrate that the smart inverters can address critical distribution-level barrier issues caused by high penetration of distributed PV systems.


We look forward to seeing many of you at the seminar.



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