[RAM 2021] High-resolution Microelectrode Arrays (MEA) Technology, MaxWell Biosystems
In our second RAM 2021 Newest Technologies Showcase Seminar, Dr. Marie Engelene Obien will showcase the latest products in High-resolution Microelectrode Arrays (MEA) Technology developed at MaxWell Biosystems in Switzerland. Join us on Monday, July 20th, 2:00 pm JST, room L4E48 or Zoom: https://oist.zoom.us/j/86164259856?pwd=Ky9mbnQrVkNMSWxwWVlTRnB0N1htQT09 | Meeting ID: 861 6425 9856 | Passcode: 227882
High-resolution Microelectrode Arrays (MEA) Technology
Speaker: Dr. Marie Engelene Obien, MaxWell Biosystems, Switzerland
Date: Tuesday, July 20th, 2:00 pm JST
Zoom: https://oist.zoom.us/j/86164259856?pwd=Ky9mbnQrVkNMSWxwWVlTRnB0N1htQT09
Meeting ID: 861 6425 9856
Passcode: 227882
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