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University Community Services
Language Course Evaluation/学期末コース評価
Which class did you take?/どのコースを受講しましたか。
Basic 1a (Ai)
Basic 1b (AI)
Basic 2a (Reiko)
Basic 2b (Naomi)
Basic 2/3 (Reiko)
Basic 3 (Reiko)
Basic 4a (Ai)
Basic 4b (Naomi)
Basic 5 (Naomi)
Basic 6 (Ai)
Pre-Intermediate 1 (Reiko)
Pre-Intermediate 2 (Ai)
Intermediate 1 (Naomi)
Intermediate 3 (Reiko)
Intermediate 5 (Naomi)
Intermediate Grammar and Email (Justin)
英語デビュー応援 (Justin)
Basic English (Monica)
Lower Intermediate English (Monica)
Intermediate English (Monica)
Upper-Intermediate English (Justin)
Advanced English (Justin)
Communicating Across Cultures (Justin)
What was your objective for studying this semester?/今学期、受講した学習目的はなんですか。
It is absolutely required for my job/業務上必要不可欠
For my own professional development/自分の専門性を高めるため
So that I will have more career opportunities in Japan/日本での仕事の機会を増やすため
To make my life in Okinawa easier/沖縄での生活をより楽にするため
I want to learn more about other cultures/他の文化について深く知るため
For fun/語学学習を楽しむため
What was your objective for studying this semester?/今学期、受講した学習目的はなんですか。 Other...
Please rate your overall experience/受講したコースについて総合評価してください。
Overall, do you feel that this class helped you to meet your objectives?
Overall, do you feel that this class helped you to meet your objectives? - N/A関係がない
Overall, do you feel that this class helped you to meet your objectives? - ★
Overall, do you feel that this class helped you to meet your objectives? - ★★
Overall, do you feel that this class helped you to meet your objectives? - ★★★
Overall, do you feel that this class helped you to meet your objectives? - ★★★★
Overall, do you feel that this class helped you to meet your objectives? - ★★★★★
Overall, how much do you feel your target language has improved?
Overall, how much do you feel your target language has improved? - N/A関係がない
Overall, how much do you feel your target language has improved? - ★
Overall, how much do you feel your target language has improved? - ★★
Overall, how much do you feel your target language has improved? - ★★★
Overall, how much do you feel your target language has improved? - ★★★★
Overall, how much do you feel your target language has improved? - ★★★★★
Overall, how satisfied were you with this course?
Overall, how satisfied were you with this course? - N/A関係がない
Overall, how satisfied were you with this course? - ★
Overall, how satisfied were you with this course? - ★★
Overall, how satisfied were you with this course? - ★★★
Overall, how satisfied were you with this course? - ★★★★
Overall, how satisfied were you with this course? - ★★★★★
Please rate your experience in more detail/受講したコース内容について詳しく評価してください。
How much did the grammar explanations help you to meet your objective?
How much did the grammar explanations help you to meet your objective? - N/A関係がない
How much did the grammar explanations help you to meet your objective? - ★
How much did the grammar explanations help you to meet your objective? - ★★
How much did the grammar explanations help you to meet your objective? - ★★★
How much did the grammar explanations help you to meet your objective? - ★★★★
How much did the grammar explanations help you to meet your objective? - ★★★★★
How much did the course book help you to meet your objective?
How much did the course book help you to meet your objective? - N/A関係がない
How much did the course book help you to meet your objective? - ★
How much did the course book help you to meet your objective? - ★★
How much did the course book help you to meet your objective? - ★★★
How much did the course book help you to meet your objective? - ★★★★
How much did the course book help you to meet your objective? - ★★★★★
How much did the in-class activities help you to meet your objective?
How much did the in-class activities help you to meet your objective? - N/A関係がない
How much did the in-class activities help you to meet your objective? - ★
How much did the in-class activities help you to meet your objective? - ★★
How much did the in-class activities help you to meet your objective? - ★★★
How much did the in-class activities help you to meet your objective? - ★★★★
How much did the in-class activities help you to meet your objective? - ★★★★★
How much did the conversation practice help you to meet your objective?
How much did the conversation practice help you to meet your objective? - N/A関係がない
How much did the conversation practice help you to meet your objective? - ★
How much did the conversation practice help you to meet your objective? - ★★
How much did the conversation practice help you to meet your objective? - ★★★
How much did the conversation practice help you to meet your objective? - ★★★★
How much did the conversation practice help you to meet your objective? - ★★★★★
How much did the presentation(s) help you to meet your objective?
How much did the presentation(s) help you to meet your objective? - N/A関係がない
How much did the presentation(s) help you to meet your objective? - ★
How much did the presentation(s) help you to meet your objective? - ★★
How much did the presentation(s) help you to meet your objective? - ★★★
How much did the presentation(s) help you to meet your objective? - ★★★★
How much did the presentation(s) help you to meet your objective? - ★★★★★
How much did the homework help you to meet your objective?
How much did the homework help you to meet your objective? - N/A関係がない
How much did the homework help you to meet your objective? - ★
How much did the homework help you to meet your objective? - ★★
How much did the homework help you to meet your objective? - ★★★
How much did the homework help you to meet your objective? - ★★★★
How much did the homework help you to meet your objective? - ★★★★★
How much did the quizzes help you to meet your objective?
How much did the quizzes help you to meet your objective? - N/A関係がない
How much did the quizzes help you to meet your objective? - ★
How much did the quizzes help you to meet your objective? - ★★
How much did the quizzes help you to meet your objective? - ★★★
How much did the quizzes help you to meet your objective? - ★★★★
How much did the quizzes help you to meet your objective? - ★★★★★
How much did the final test/final assignment help you to meet your objective?
How much did the final test/final assignment help you to meet your objective? - N/A関係がない
How much did the final test/final assignment help you to meet your objective? - ★
How much did the final test/final assignment help you to meet your objective? - ★★
How much did the final test/final assignment help you to meet your objective? - ★★★
How much did the final test/final assignment help you to meet your objective? - ★★★★
How much did the final test/final assignment help you to meet your objective? - ★★★★★
How much did the online components (Teams, eFront, Google, etc.) aside from Zoom help you meet your objective?
How much did the online components (Teams, eFront, Google, etc.) aside from Zoom help you meet your objective? - N/A関係がない
How much did the online components (Teams, eFront, Google, etc.) aside from Zoom help you meet your objective? - ★
How much did the online components (Teams, eFront, Google, etc.) aside from Zoom help you meet your objective? - ★★
How much did the online components (Teams, eFront, Google, etc.) aside from Zoom help you meet your objective? - ★★★
How much did the online components (Teams, eFront, Google, etc.) aside from Zoom help you meet your objective? - ★★★★
How much did the online components (Teams, eFront, Google, etc.) aside from Zoom help you meet your objective? - ★★★★★
For course aspects that you rated 4 or 5, please tell us why they were so helpful/受講したコースの総合評価で4点または5点と評価した方は、どのように役に立ったかをお聞かせください
For course aspects that you rated 1 or 2 stars, please tell us why they were not helpful/受講したコースの総合評価で1点または2点と評価した方は、その理由をお聞かせください。
Do you have any other comments?/その他ご意見・ご要望がありましたらご記入ください。
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