Past Events
Seminar: Fundamentals and Recent Advances in Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy by Prof. Tani, Fukui Univ
2019-04-22Seminar: "Fundamentals and Recent Advances in Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy" by Prof. Msahiko Tani, Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, University of Fukui
Seminar: "Large-scale grain-boundary-free copper films for nanoplasmonics" & "Single-shot intensity-corrected phase tagging for weak carrier-envelope-phase effects" by Dr. Soo Hoon Chew
2018-12-14Seminar: "Large-scale grain-boundary-free copper films for nanoplasmonics" & "Single-shot intensity-corrected phase tagging for weak carrier-envelope-phase effects" by Dr. Soo Hoon Chew, Pusan National University
Seminar: "Interferometric time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy of few-femtosecond nanoplasmonic dynamics" by Dr. Alexander Gliserin
2018-12-14Seminar: "Interferometric time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy of few-femtosecond nanoplasmonic dynamics" by Dr. Alexander Gliserin, Pusan National University
Seminar: "High-power synchronized dual-channel laser enabling fast 2- and 3-photon in vivo brain imaging"
2018-11-27Seminar: "High-power synchronized dual-channel laser enabling fast 2- and 3-photon in vivo brain imaging" by Dr. Robert Riedel and Dr. Jan Heye Buss
Seminar: "Textile degradation in indoor cultural heritage" by Pauline Uring, LISA UMR 7583 CNRS
2018-10-23Seminar: "Textile degradation in indoor cultural heritage" by Pauline Uring, LISA (Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques, UMR 7583 CNRS – University Paris Est and Paris Diderot)
Seminar "Ultrafast phonon and spin dynamics in chalcogenide materials" by Dr. Richarj Mondal, Tsukuba Univ.
2018-09-18Seminar "Ultrafast phonon and spin dynamics in chalcogenide materials" by Dr. Richarj Mondal, Tsukuba Univ.
"Many-body quantum spectroscopies in extremes" by Prof. Kira, Univ of Michigan
2018-08-27"Many-body quantum spectroscopies in extremes" by Prof. Mack Kira, University of Michigan
Ultra-strong light-matter interactions and super-radiant phase transitions by Prof. Motoaki Bamba, Osaka Univ
2018-08-08"Ultra-strong light-matter interactions and super-radiant phase transitions" by Prof Motoaki Bamba, Osaka Univ
”Broadband plasmonics in the optical and THz range” by Prof. Venu Gopal Achanta, Tata Inst of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
2018-08-06"Broadband plasmonics in the optical and THz range" by Prof. Venu Gopal Achanta, DCMP&MS, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India
"Halide Perovskites for Photovoltaic and Light-Emission Applications" by Prof. Stranks, Univ of Cambridge
2018-07-24"Halide Perovskites for Photovoltaic and Light-Emission Applications" Prof. Sam Stranks, Cavendish Labratory, University of Cambridge