Scientific Attribution

As a Research Support Section we are research collaborators, and we may require attribution in your publications when using our services. We are evaluated on our contributions to your research here at OIST, and attribution is the most important means to track that.

For the Core Facilities, please see the Core Facilities policy on attribution.

The Core Facilities policy gives general prinicples for when you should add acknowledgement or co-authorhsip. Here we would like to give you some concrete examples for SCDA in particular.


You add an acknowledgement to SCDA when:

  • You used our computing resources to generate the results in your paper. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • doing data analysis;
    • sequencing work;
    • visualization;
    • running computational models.
  • We have given a non-trivial amount of help and support though the Open Hours or in individual meetings. This can include:
    • solving technical problems or programming issues;
    • Helped create data visualizations or illustrations;
    • Setting up and maintaining instruments;
    • advice on the experimental or theoretical aspects of the research project.


Authoship is necessary when one of us have contributed not just to technical aspects, but directly contributed to the intellectual work behind the published results. For example:

  • We did substantial work on data analysis or visualization.
  • Wrote a non-trivial part of the code - including setting up analysis pipelines - used in the project.
  • Wrote or edited part of the publication, or created illustrations and graphs for it.

No attribution

Below are a few examples of things that don't warrant attribution (though you are still more than welcome to add an acknowledgement if you like):

  • Storing research data on our storage systems.
  • Discussing straightforward technical questions, or getting help installing software for yourself.
  • Attending our training sessions.

How to attribute

For acknowledgement, please add a line like:

"We are grateful for the help and support provided by the Scientific Computing
and Data Analysis section of Core Facilities at OIST."

Or, with a name and title:

"We are grateful for the help and support provided by [Dr.] J. Doe
from the Scientific Computing and Data Analysis section of Core Facilities at OIST."

For author affiliation, use:

"Scientific Computing and Data Analysis section, Core Facilities, OIST"

Share your publication with us

We also request that you please share the publication with us, so we can use it in our own evaluations. Send a link or a DOI number to us, and preferably also a copy of the PDF if you can.

You can submit it to this webform.

Or, send it to:

We will add it to our list of publications, and give people a way to find your paper as well.