Past Events

Integrability, Deformations and Chaos

2023-07-25 to 2023-07-27
OIST Seaside House, OIST Lab 4

In the last few decades, the notion of Integrable systems and Chaos, both classical and quantum, have seen immense developments. Fuelled by a flurry of scientific inter-community dialogues, these ideas have turned out to be universally useful in a wide spectrum of theoretical studies, from worldsheet string sigma models, to black holes and holography, and further into real experimental systems. Numerous interesting connections between these seemingly disparate research areas are developing, promising to shed light on important open questions. We hope to further fuel these dialogues by inviting people from different fields using state-of-the-art tools to explore these exciting ideas. 

Detailed program at:

QG group meeting: Emergent Supersymmetry from a Twistor Space description of the U(N) vector model

Lab 4, E01

QG group meeting.
Speaker: Julian Lang.
Title: "Emergent Supersymmetry from a Twistor Space description of the U(N) vector model".

QG group meeting: self-dual GR in de Sitter space (Yasha Neiman)

Lab 4, E01

QG group meeting.
Speaker: Yasha Neiman.
Title: "Self-dual GR in de Sitter space".

Gravity, the Improbability Engine

Lab 4, D01 "restaurant"

A physics lecture for non-physicists.
Title: Gravity, the Improbability Engine.
Speaker: Yasha Neiman.

QG group meeting: Symmetries, Lattices, Groups

Lab 4, E01

QG group meeting.
Speaker: Misaki Ohta.
Title: Symmetries, Lattices, Groups.


QG group meeting: Non-Hausdorff Vector Bundles (Part 2)

Lab 4, E01

QG group meeting.
Speaker: David O'Connell.
Title: Non-Hausdorff Vector Bundles (Part 2).


QG group meeting: Non-Hausdorff Vector Bundles (Part 1)

Lab 4, E01

QG group meeting.
Speaker: David O'Connell.
Title: Non-Hausdorff Vector Bundles (Part 1).

QG group meeting: Interacting Black Holes and Massive Higher Spin Fields, part 2

Lab 4, E01

QG group meeting.
Speaker: Mirian Tsulaia.
Title: Interacting Black Holes and Massive Higher Spin Fields (part2).

Why is the sky blue?

Lab 4, D01 "restaurant"

A physics lecture for non-physicists.
Title: Why is the sky blue?
Speaker: Yasha Neiman.

QG group meeting: Interacting Black Holes and Massive Higher Spin Fields

Lab 4, E01

QG group meeting.
Speaker: Mirian Tsulaia.
Title: Interacting Black Holes and Massive Higher Spin Fields.
