Past Events

Workshop on recent developments in AdS/CFT

2019-04-02 to 2019-04-03
Conference Center, Meeting Room 1

This workshop will focus on the topics mostly on the gravity side of AdS/CFT correspondence and their applications.

Theoretical Physics Seminar: Yasha Neiman & Juan-David Vasquez-Jaramillo

Lab 1, B503

Theoretical Physics Seminar.
Speaker 1: Yasha Neiman (Quantum Gravity), "What does a spinor look like?"
Speaker 2: Juan-David Vasquez-Jaramillo (Quantum Transport and Electronic Structure Theory), "Can we control the interactions among individual magnetic dopants in metallic surfaces?"

Journal club seminar: A universal transition to turbulence in channel flow

A613, Lab 2
We will discuss the recent paper  by  Sano, Tamai Nature Physics 12 (2016) 249
Hidehiko Shimada from Hikami's unit  will be  leading the discussion.

QG group meeting: Black Hole Entropy from 2d Dilation Gravity

A719, Lab 3

Quantum Gravity Group Meeting

Title: Black Hole Entropy from 2d Dilation Gravity.

Speaker: Vyacheslav Lysov, Quantum Gravity Unit (Neiman)

[Seminar] "Quantum Black Hole Entropy from 4d Supersymmetric Cardy formula" by Dr. Masazumi Honda

A613, Lab 2

Speaker: Dr. Masazumi Honda, University of Cambridge

Mathematical Physics seminar: Chern-Simons theory 3

B711, Lab 3

Joint Math and Theoretical physics seminar on Chern-Simons theory, Knot invariants and Volume conjecture. Vyacheslav Lysov will be leading the discussion.

[Seminar] "JTbar deformed CFT2 and string theory" by Soumangsu Chakraborty

A719, Lab 3

Speaker: Soumangsu Chakraborty, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Title: "JTbar deformed CFT2 and string theory"

Journal club seminar: Unitarity bounds on charged/neutral state mass ratio

A613, Lab 2
We will discuss the recent paper by Wei-Ming Chen, Yu-tin Huang, Toshifumi Noumi and Congkao Wen  "Unitarity bounds on charged/neutral state mass ratio"
Wenliang Li will be  leading the discussion.

Mathematical Physics seminar: Chern-Simons theory II

B712, Lab 3

Joint Math and Theoretical physics seminar on Chern-Simons theory, Knot invariants and Volume conjecture. Vyacheslav Lysov will be leading the discussion.
