Past Events

Technician Networking Lunch 第2回技術員交流ランチ会開催のお知らせ

Seminar Room C210, Center Building

The next RUT Networking lunch is coming up, Thursday the 30th May, 12PM in C210. Japanese translation will also be provided.


The theme is Changing Fields/Labs and Promotions.


In addition, we have been asked by the DFA to get current technicians' opinion on the evaluation system for Technicians, so we will be leading a short discussion after the talks. 



本日は来週530日(木)、12:00~13:00にセンター棟 C210 セミナー室にて開催される








Science Digest Chalk Talk: "Image analysis and image-based phenotyping in biology"

Room C210 (Central Building, Level C)

Katarzyna Bozek, Group Leader (Stephens Unit)

ORC Assembly

Seminar Room C209 (Central Bldg., Level C)

Please join OIST Researcher Community (ORC) Assembly! Results of the Researcher Survey will be presented.
(open to OIST Community, simulateneous interpretation Japanese/English)

Science Digest: "How to organize Chalk Talks"

Room C700 (Lab 3, Level C)

Prof. Simone Pigolotti, Associate Professor (Biology Complexity Unit)

Science Digest: "Kinematic Signatures of Cannabinoids"

Room C015 (Lab 1, Level C)

Bogna Ignatowska-Jankowska, Research Fellow (Uusisaari Unit).
Bring your own lunch.

Researcher Survey

2019-03-08 to 2019-04-08

Make your voice heard! Complete the Researcher Survey.

ORC Assembly

Seminar Room B503

Everybody is welcome to attend the OIST Researcher Community (ORC) Assembly.

Seminar by Dr Sai: Cutting-edge Basic and Translational Research in the Carbon-Ion Radiotherapy

Seminar Room C209

ORC would like to encourage you to attend the seminar by Dr Sai, National Institutes of Radiological Sciences (Chiba, Japan). At the end of his talk, he will present some opportunities for using NIRS infrastructure in physics and biology research.

First RUT Networking Lunch 2019

C209 Center Building

Dear Research Unit Technicians


We would like to announce the start of 2019 quarterly networking lunches for the Research Unit Technicians (RUT) at OIST. This year we will run these through ORC, and we would like to have your input on anything related to working as a technician at OIST. 

Date: Tuesday 26th February 

Venue: C209 (Center Bldg.) 

Time: 12:00-13:00 



ORC Open Hour

Room B705a

An ORC officer will be available every Monday from noon to 1pm in room B705a.
