Yoko Yazaki-Sugiyama

Yoko Yazaki-Sugiyama
Associate Professor
BSc, Japan Women’s University
MSc Sophia University
PhD Sophia University
MSc Sophia University
PhD Sophia University
Professional Experience
- Sophia University
- Duke University
- Brain Science Institute, RIKEN
- The Research Incentive Award, RIKEN, 2009
Select Publications
- Araki M., Bandi M. M. and *Yazaki-Sugiyama Y. Mind the Gap: Neural Coding of Species Identity in Birdsong Prosody. Science354: 1282-1287
- Yanagihara, S. and *Yazaki-Sugiyama, Y. (2016) Auditory experience dependent cortical circuit shaping for memory formation in bird song learning. Nat. Commun, doi: 10.1038/NCOMMS11946. (featured article)
- *Yazaki-Sugiyama, Y., Yanagihara, S, Fuller, P.M. and Lazarus M. (2015) Acute inhibition of a cortical motor area impairs vocal control in singing zebra finches. Eur J Neuroscience 41:97-108
Select Invited talks
- Gordon Research Conference -Auditory systems (2016) Selected short talk. ‘Mind the gap: Neuronal coding od species identity in birdsong prosody’, Bates College, USA
- 9th Avian Model Systems meeting (2016). ‘Chemogenetic control of neuronal activity in songbirds’, Taipei, Taiwan
- Symposium at 38th Annual Meeting of Japanese Neuroscience Society, ‘The mechanisms of neuronal circuit formation and maturation in the developing brain’ (2015). ‘Learning to be a zebra finch. How does one identify vocalizations of one’s own species?’, Kobe Japan