Seminar"Dynamical elasto-capillary self-assembly"Matthieu Labousse


Monday, December 9, 2024 - 15:00




Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics (Shen) Unit would like to invite you to the seminar by Prof. Matthieu Labousse on December 9 (Monday).
Date:   December 9, 2024
Time:  15:00-16:00
Venue: C209, OIST


Matthieu Labousse
CNRS Researcher
Joint Professor at ESPCI & PSL University


Dynamical elasto-capillary self-assembly


Elasto-capillarity is a powerful strategy of self-assembly, not only for your hair morphology after a shower but also to design critical industrial components at the microscale. While static elasto-capillary structures have been experimentally and theoretically well studied, the path towards equilibrium is less well understood and represent, in practice, a major stumbling block for complex self-assembly process. Yet a better understanding of the self-assembling dynamics of such structures could help modelling more complex industry-oriented systems such as the rheology of reinforced materials or biology-oriented like the self-assembly of the mitotic spindle. In this talk, I will rationalize a simple case of dynamical self-assembly and will show that it leads to a rich variety of controlled morphologies.

Short bio:

I am a theoretical physicist as a CNRS researcher and as a joint Professor at ESPCI & PSL University. My research is carried out in the laboratory Gulliver. I combine numerical, theoretical and experimental approaches to investigate the physics of self-organization in complex systems including, programmable active matter, microfluidics, DNA cryptography, Waves and memory

Prof. Amy Shen


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