*Zoom*【Technical Seminar】10x Genomics New Product Introduction


2021年4月7日 (水) 13:00 14:00




DNA Sequencing Section would like to invite you to the following seminar by Science & Techhnology Advisor Dr. Leo CHAN, who will introduce the latest products of 10x Genomics:




The vast complexities of biology require approaches to build a complete picture, starting from single cells to tissues and beyond. At 10x Genomics, we provide single cell and spatial solutions that enable researchers to drive the leading edge of what’s possible. 

Join us for this seminar to learn what strides are being made and experience how 10x Genomics is moving with you into the future of science. You will gain insights about the newest technological innovations.

  • 3′ CellPlex: Multiplex up to 12 samples per channel to increase sample throughput and reduce cost per sample.
  • Chromium Single Cell LT Gene Expression: Generate high-quality data for 100 to 1000 cells at a lower up front cost.
  • Fixed RNA Profiling Kit: Detect genes in PFA-fixed cells with high sensitivity.
  • Chromium X: With this next generation of instrumentation, you can run up to 16 samples and 1M cells per chip.
  • Chromium Single Cell 5’ CRISPR screening: Perform single cell CRISPR screens with existing Cas9 guide libraries and multiomic readouts. 
  • Chromium Single Cell Antigen Mapping: Discover antigen-specific antibodies and TCRs at scale with Barcode Enabled Antigen Mapping (BEAM).
  • Visium Spatial Gene Expression for FFPE: Reveal what has been hiding in your stored FFPE tissue samples with highly sensitive and specific detection of mRNA.
  • Visium Spatial Proteomics: Add highly multiplexed protein measurement to your Visium experiments for quantitative assessment of tens to hundreds of markers.
  • Visium HD Spatial Gene Expression / for FFPE: Spatially resolve tissues like never before at single cell resolution. 
  • Visium CytAssist: Study FFPE specimens archived in blocks or on slides and expand ongoing studies of fresh frozen samples.
  • In Situ Spatial: Leverage Cartana’s existing chemistry to visualize and map hundreds of genes at high sensitivity and subcellular resolution in situ. 


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