Workshop: "Developing Job Strategies for Academia and Industry"


2018年10月4日 (木) 15:002018年10月5日 (金) 17:00


C700, Lab3


Target Audience: Graduate Students and researchers

Session format: Interactive seminar

Facilitator: Bob Dolan, Asst Director Career Services MIT Postdoctoral Scholars

Short Description:

Academic Job Search

Wondering how to mount a successful job search in this highly competitive academic job market? This workshop will discuss important elements of preparing a strong application package which includes a CV, Cover Letter, Research Statement, Teaching Statement, and often times a Diversity Statement.  This program is targeted towards all PhD students and Postdocs who may prepare for the faculty search now and in the future.  In addition, actual academic hiring committee interview questions from 31 US and international universities will be provided.

Converting Your CV to a Resume for Industry

If you are considering exploring Industry positions, you will need to have a resume that effectively positions you for this path.  This workshop will discuss the process of converting your 4-6 page Academic CV into a 2-page resume for industry, and creating a document that effectively targets the Hiring Manager.  Can your resume survive a 15 second scan and still get into the YES pile? Discussions will surround the strategies of effective messaging and how to be "on-point" with your written communication.  Actual MIT PhD/Postdoc resumes will be provided as handouts. 

Registration is required. 

To register CLICK HERE.

         This registration link is for researchers. Graduate student, please follow Jenny's instructions. 

About the facilitator:

Bob provides career counseling and professional development workshops for the Postdoctoral Scholars program at MIT.  He has held both full-time and seasonal roles at MIT since 2005 and has served the undergraduate, graduate and alumni programs. From 2008-2016 he delivered leadership and career programming for a MIT affiliated Master’s program at Zaragoza Institute in Spain. 

He is a Certified Job Search and Career Transition Consultant with experience in the field of Career Management since 2001. Before joining academia, Bob had a private Career Consulting practice and worked with clients across multiple industries, as well as providing career consulting services for a global Career Management firm. As a hiring manager for over twenty years, Bob brings a unique blend of "real world" and career services expertise to his clients who spanned all industries and positions ranged from company presidents to administrative staff.  


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