[Seminar] "Standalone Simulator and Cloud Service for Multilevel Physiological Model Simulations" - Prof. Asai, Yamaguchi University


2016年11月22日 (火) 15:00 16:00


Lab3 C700


Integrated Open Systems Unit would like to invite you to the seminar by Professor Yoshiyuki Asai.


Date: Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016

Time: 3:00-4:00p.m.

Venue: Lab3 C700



Yoshiyuki Asai, Ph.D.

Professor, Yamaguchi University


Standalone Simulator and Cloud Service for Multilevel Physiological Model Simulations


Recently the roles of mathematical modeling and simulations of multilevel hierarchical physiological systems became increasingly important. Physiological Hierarchy Markup Language (PHML) has been developed following pioneering efforts in the area of physiome and systems biology, such as SBML (Systems Biology Markup Language) and CellMLPHML has a capability to integrate SBML model in a PHML model to implement multilevel physiological systems from subcellular level to physiological level such as tissue and organ. Flint is a standalone simulator supporting PHMLSBML and PHML-SBML hybridized models. It is now opensource software at GitHub. Using the computation engine of Flint, there is also a cloud based simulation service Flint K3, which works on a computer cluster for better computational scalability. We will introduce relevant technologies for multilevel modeling and simulations including Flint and Flint K3. 

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