"Modeling the sedimentation of filaments in viscous fluids via dimensional reduction and hyperviscous regularization" Giulio G. Giusteri

Giulio G. Giusteri was awarded his Doctoral degree in Pure and Applied Mathematics on January 13, 2012 at the University of Milan-Bicocca. He is currently Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Brescia, Italy.
Modeling the sedimentation of filaments in viscous fluids via dimensional reduction and hyperviscous regularization
A new approach to the analysis of the motion of filaments in viscous fluids, alternate to that familiar from classical slender-body theory, will be presented. By including a second-gradient term in the fluid dissipation functional it is possible to solve the fluid-structure interaction problem for the sedimentation of one-dimensional rigid bodies. This procedure allows for a dimensional reduction which is forbidden within classical theories. Mathematical results on the coupled system of non-linear PDEs which describes the fluid-structure interaction problem will be presented, and some open issues related to the modeling procedure and numerical simulations will be discussed.
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