Past Events

Tobias Bonhoeffer "How Experience Changes Synapses in the Mammalian Brain"

2017年10月20日 (金) 13:00
Lab 3 Level C 700

Tobias Bonhoeffer, Director, Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology

Do Not Throw Tea Overboard at Teatime, 16:00

2017年10月12日 (木) 16:00 17:00
Restaurant, Center Building

We do not suggest you throw your tea into the East China Sea. Instead, drink it and have some cookies.

The Boston Tea Party, as described by Mr. Dawes Jr. in Mary Poppins (1964):

Mr. Dawes Jr: In seventeen hundred & seventy three, An official of this bank unwisely loaned a large sum of money to finance a shipment of tea to the American Colonies... Do you know what happened?

George W. Banks: Yes sir, yes I think I do. As the ship lay in Boston harbor, a party of colonists, dressed as Red Indians, boarded the vessel, behaved rudely, and threw all the tea overboard. This made the tea unsuitable for drinking even for Americans!

Join us for teatime at 16:00, Thursday, Restaurant Level of Center Building. Please bring your own tea-holding vessel.

(Image: Flickr/Tom Simpson)

Special Seminar: Sustainable Energy World Wide ... With A Sustainable Climate

2017年10月10日 (火) 11:00 12:00

Lecturer: Dr. Roger Cashmore, Chairman of the UK Atomic Energy Authority. Language: English only. Open to public.

体育の日 2017

2017年10月9日 (月) 0:00

National Holiday.


2017年9月28日 (木) (All day)2017年9月29日 (金) (All day)
OIST Campus

Please address inquiries to the President's Office.

秋分の日 2017

2017年9月23日 (土) 0:00

National Holiday.

敬老の日 2017

2017年9月18日 (月) 0:00

National Holiday.

Teatime Thursday!

2017年8月17日 (木) 16:00
Restaurant Area level B Central Building

Honestly, if you're given the choice between Armageddon or tea, you don't say 'what kind of tea?

                                                                                         Neil Gaiman


Well unless you have actually completed that Doomsday Device, this week you do not have that kind of choice so you should just join everyone for tea, coffee and cookies at 16:00 on Thursday!


沖縄科学技術大学院大学発展促進県民会議総会 (General Meeting of the Council for Promotion of OIST)

2017年8月16日 (水) 14:00
B250, OIST Center Bldg

沖縄科学技術大学院大学発展促進県民会議 総会
The General Meeting of the
Council for Promotion of OIST

3rd OIST International Summer Festival/ 第3回OIST夏祭り インターナショナルフェスタ

2017年8月11日 (金) 18:00
OIST Main Campus (Village Area)

OIST International Summer Festival


Detail: Upcoming Soon
