Past Events

Science Digest - Dr. Erika Cyphert: "Biomaterials and the gut microbiome - paving the way for novel therapeutics"

2022年6月28日 (火) 9:00
C210 or Zoom

Science Digest - June edition!  Please welcome our invited speaker, Dr. Erika Cyphert (Postdoctoral Fellow at Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, USA) for her talk: "Biomaterials and the gut microbiome - paving the way for novel therapeutics". The seminar is open to everyone interested in the fields of Biomedical Engineering, Gut Microbiome, Biomaterials/Drug delivery, and Orthopaedics, and those who would like to know more about Cornell University and Dr. Cyphert's career. Save the date: June 28 at 9:00 a.m. JST, C210 or Zoom (Meeting ID: 986 5579 1051 Passcode: 220627).

Science Digest - Dr. David Brückner - "Learning the stochastic dynamics of biological systems across scales: from single cells to organoids"

2022年5月31日 (火) 16:00
C700 or Zoom

The Science Digest is back! Dr. David Brückner, NOMIS Fellow at the Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria, will give us a talk on "Learning the stochastic dynamics of biological systems across scales: from single cells to organoids". The seminar is open to everyone interested in the fields of Biophysics, Cell Migration, and Developmental Biology, and those who would like to know more about IST Austria and Dr. Brückner's career. Tuesday, May 31 at 16:00 JST on C700 or Zoom (Meeting ID: 990 6065 9864 Passcode: 855680).

ORC Assembly

2022年4月7日 (木) 12:00
Lab 4 E48 and Zoom

The next ORC Assembly will be the last for the previous ORC representatives and the first for the new representatives! Please join us as we hand over to the new office.

Also on the agenda: Future plans of the new office, with plenty of time for discussion, and a report on the recent Faculty Assembly.

[RAM 2021] Closing Ceremony

2021年7月30日 (金) 15:00
L4E48 or Zoom

RAM 2021 would like to invite all OIST Community for its Closing Ceremony, to be held on Friday, July 30th at 15:00. On this occasion, awards will be given to honor the achievements of winners of Best Researcher Blitz Talk and the SCIENCEART Contest & Exhibition. Join us for this final event as part of Researcher Appreciation Month 2021, in-person in L4E48 or Zoom ( Thank you everyone for making RAM 2021 a great success!

[RAM 2021] Poster Session

2021年7月29日 (木) 13:00
Lab4 Level F (Terrace)

Join us for the last RAM 2021 Poster Session! For printed posters, starting at 13:00 (right after Researcher Blitz Talks) in Lab4F Patio (terrace) and also in room L4F36 for digital posters. For more info:

[RAM 2021] Chasing perfection: validating and polishing strategies for T2T assemblies

2021年7月29日 (木) 9:00
L4E48/ Zoom

Speaker: Dr. Arang Rhie, Genome Informatics Section at NIH/NHGRI, USA

Zoom Link:

[RAM 2021] Poster Session

2021年7月26日 (月) 15:00
Skywalks (between Lab1 and Lab3)

Join us for RAM 2021 Poster Session on Wednesday, July 26th! This time, starting at 15:00 in the Skywalks between Lab1 and Lab3, both levels B and C. For more info:

[RAM 2021] Teatime Session: "It's a small world – part I (Intracellular diversity)"

2021年7月19日 (月) 16:00
L4F22c or Zoom

Everyone is invited! On Monday, July 19th at 16:00, OIST's Science and Technology Group Associates  Yohsuke Moriyama and Yuki Nakazawa will share insights of their research & career with us during the Teatime with STG Series! This editions' topic is "It’s a small world – part I (Intracellular diversity)", in which our speakers will reveal the beauty, complexity, and diversity of the intracellular world! Join us in room L4F22c* or Zoom ( Passcode: 727724

[RAM 2021] Poster Session

2021年7月15日 (木) 13:30
L4F Patio (+L4F36 for digital posters)

Join us for the second RAM 2021 Poster Session, on Thursday, July 15th! Starting at 13:30 after the Researchers Blitz Talks, in Lab4F Patio (terrace) for printed posters, and also in room L4F36 for digital posters. For more info:

[RAM 2021] Researchers Blitz Session

2021年7月15日 (木) 12:00
L4E48 or Zoom

Join us for the second Researcher Blitz Session on July 15th at noon (L4E48)!
Research Blitz Sessions are 3 minutes talks (max. 3 slides) to be held on Thursdays (July 8th, 15th, 29th), always at noon in room L4E48 (or via Zoom). Sessions will last 1 hour + 30 min for discussion after all presentations. Judges will score the presentations and give awards for the best presenters.

Zoom link:
