Past Events

ORC Assembly

2019年12月16日 (月) 12:00 13:00
Seminar Room C700 (Lab 3, Level C)

Join us for the last ORC Assembly before winter break. Refreshments will be served.
Guest: Prof. Jeff Wickens, Ombudsman

Science Digest Chalk Talk: "How hard do you have to push water through a pipe?"

2019年10月29日 (火) 12:00 13:00
Classroom B700, Lab 3, level B

Rory Cerbus (Staff Scientist in Chakraborty Unit)

ORC Assembly

2019年10月21日 (月) 12:00
Seminar room C209 (Central Building)

From 12:00-13:00

Science Digest Chalk Talk: "Diamond-glass platforms for biological applications"

2019年9月24日 (火) 12:00 13:00
Classroom B700, Lab 3, level B

Stoffel Janssens (Postdoc at Fried Unit)

ORC Assembly

2019年8月22日 (木) 12:00 13:00
Seminar Room C700

This month, our guest will be Felix Rehnberg (R&D Cluster Programs Section) who will tak about an exciting new OIST business development program.

Science Digest Chalk Talk: "Error-speed correlations in biopolymer synthesis"

2019年8月20日 (火) 12:00 13:00
Seminar Room C210 (Central Building, Level C)

Davide Chiuchiu (Postdoc at Pigolotti Unit)

Science Digest Chalk Talk: "Cool physics with cold atoms"

2019年7月23日 (火) 12:00 13:00
Seminar Room C016 (Lab 3, Level C)

Vandna Gokhroo (Staff Scientist at Nic Chormaic Unit)

ORC Assembly

2019年6月20日 (木) 12:00 13:00
Seminar Room C700

Guest Speaker: Mary Collins, Provost.

Technician Networking Lunch 第2回技術員交流ランチ会開催のお知らせ

2019年5月30日 (木) 12:00 13:00
Seminar Room C210, Center Building

The next RUT Networking lunch is coming up, Thursday the 30th May, 12PM in C210. Japanese translation will also be provided.


The theme is Changing Fields/Labs and Promotions.


In addition, we have been asked by the DFA to get current technicians' opinion on the evaluation system for Technicians, so we will be leading a short discussion after the talks. 



本日は来週530日(木)、12:00~13:00にセンター棟 C210 セミナー室にて開催される








ORC Assembly

2019年4月25日 (木) 12:00 13:00
Seminar Room C209 (Central Bldg., Level C)

Please join OIST Researcher Community (ORC) Assembly! Results of the Researcher Survey will be presented.
(open to OIST Community, simulateneous interpretation Japanese/English)
