[RAM 2021] Researchers Blitz Session


2021年7月15日 (木) 12:00


L4E48 or Zoom


Join us for the second Researcher Blitz Session on July 15th at noon (L4E48)!
Research Blitz Sessions are 3 minutes talks (max. 3 slides) to be held on Thursdays (July 8th, 15th, 29th), always at noon in room L4E48 (or via Zoom). Sessions will last 1 hour + 30 min for discussion after all presentations. Judges will score the presentations and give awards for the best presenters.

Zoom link: https://oist.zoom.us/j/82068087378?pwd=c2hIRnZoV2tSZlV5V3F4SXF1MkJ6QT09

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