[Optics Seminars OIST] by Prof. Kenji Ohmori

Speaker: Prof. Kenji Ohmori
Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS), Japan
Title: Ultrafast quantum simulator with attosecond precision at ultracold temperatures
Many-body correlations govern a variety of important quantum phenomena including the emergence of superconductivity and magnetism in condensed matter as well as chemical reactions in liquids. Understanding quantum many-body systems is thus one of the central goals of modern sciences and technologies. Here we demonstrate a new pathway towards this goal by generating a strongly correlated ultracold Rydberg gas with a broadband ultrashort laser pulse. We have applied our ultrafast coherent control with attosecond precision [1] to a strongly correlated Rydberg gas in an optical dipole trap, and have successfully observed and controlled its ultrafast many-body electron dynamics [2-4]. This new approach is now applied to an atomic BEC, Mott insulator lattice, and arbitrary array assembled with optical tweezers to develop into a pathbreaking platform for quantum simulation of strongly correlated many-body electron dynamics on the ultrafast timescale [5-7].
This project is in progress in tight collaboration with Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.
[1] H. Katsuki et al., Acc. Chem. Res. 51, 1174 (2018).
[2] N. Takei et al., Nature Commun. 7, 13449 (2016). Highlighted by Science 354, 1388 (2016); IOP PhysicsWorld.com (2016).
[3] C. Sommer et al., Phys. Rev. A 94, 053607 (2016).
[4] C. Liu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 173201 (2018).
[5] M. Mizoguchi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 253201 (2020).
[6] Patents (US and Japan) “Quantum simulator and quantum simulation method”, H. Sakai (Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.), K. Ohmori (NINS) et al., 1 patented (US: 3rd. Nov. 2020) and 1 under examination (JP 2017).
[7] UC Boulder / NIST Quantum Technology Website: CUbit Quantum Initiative "A metal-like quantum gas: A pathbreaking platform for quantum simulation".
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