Seminar "Extreme Waves: Deterministic Modelling and Experimental Validations" by Prof. Amin Chabchoub


2019年2月22日 (金) 15:00 16:00


Lab3 B711



Prof. Amin Chabchoub

Environmental Fluid Mechanics

The University of Sydney



Rogue waves are extreme wave events that are known to occur in offshore as well as as in coastal areas. One possible explanation for their formation in deep-water is the modulation instability. This latter instability can be described through exact deterministic breather models that have been shown to be very useful in controlling extreme waves in laboratory environments and thus, becoming very relevant for ocean engineering applications. Experiments on hydrodynamic breathers and other fundamental nonlinear localisations on the water surface will be presented. A particular emphasis will be given to nonlinear wave dynamics in the transition from deep- to shallow-water regime. Moreover, recent results on the evaluation of ocean current data sets, provided by NASA, will be shown.


[Short Biography]

Amin Chabchoub is Associate Professor in Environmental Fluid Mechanics at the School of Civil Engineering of The University of Sydney. Qualifications: MSc Applied Mathematics / Mechanical Engineering (University of Bremen, Germany), PhD (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany). Worked as Assistant Professor of Hydrodynamics at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Aalto University (former Helsinki University of Technology – Finland) as well as a Postdoctoral Researcher and Research Scientist at Imperial College London (UK), Swinburne University of Technology (Australia) and The University of Tokyo (Japan). Areas of expertise: fluid mechanics, nonlinear waves, rogue and shock waves, nonlinear optics.

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