"WPI Program: Its missions, current activities and future perspectives",Toshio Kuroki, MD


2015年3月18日 (水) 14:30 15:30




Seminar by:

Toshio Kuroki, MD; Program Director of World Premier International Research Center Initiative program (WPI), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

Seminar Title:

WPI Program: its missions, current activities and future perspectives

Research systems face increasing worldwide competition in creating new research outcomes and recruiting talented scientists. Governments are searching for more efficient forms of funding to advance fundamental and innovative science, which is essential for a knowledge-based society. Many countries, mostly in Europe, are now operating “Research Excellence Initiatives” (REIs), which are designed to encourage outstanding research by providing large-scale and long-term funding to designated research units. 

In FY 2007, MEXT launched the World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) as a highly challenging, long-term program to support the establishment of internationally opened and globally visible research centers. OIST has been a role model of WPI as well as REI.

The missions of the WPI program are: - Advancing top-quality of science - Achieving internationalization - Making breakthroughs by fusion studies - Reforming research and administration systems Currently, the following 9 WPI centers are successfully operating: - AIMR on materials science at Tohoku University - Kavli IPMU on universe at the University of Tokyo - iCeMS on cell biology at Kyoto University - IFReC on immunology at Osaka University - MANA on nanotechnology at National Institute for Materials Science - I2CNER on carbon neutral energy at Kyushu University - IIIS on sleep at University of Tsukuba - ELSI on origins of earth and life at Tokyo Institute of Technology - ITbM on transformative bio-molecules at Nagoya University.

Since OIST and WPI share common missions and approaches, exchanges of information on mutual interests and issues are essential for future development of OIST and WPI.

We look forward to seeing many of you at the seminar!

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