OIST Workshop "New trends of conformal theory from probability to gravity"



OIST Main Campus, Lab 4, Seminar Room L4E48


The study of conformal theory connects the theoretical physics and mathematics, which has been closely related to the representation theory of Lie group, algebraic geometry, topology and number theory.

Recently the random matrix models have been discussed for quantum chaos of the black hole entropy, through a universal spectral form factor. This probabilistic study of the random matrix model and random tensor model may reveal the cases of the central charge c greater than one. The rational CFT for central charge c is less than one, are well known as minimal models and as Schramm-Loewner evolution in the probability theory. The gravity coupled to matter fields may be related to exotic random geometries. 

In this workshop, we focus a new relation between theoretical physics and mathematics: gravity and probability by new theoretical methods, such as conformal bootstrap methods and the studies of the eigenvalues of Calabi-Yau manifolds etc.  Algebraic geometric structures like Thomson group and Moonshine will be also included for the study of complicated exotic geometries, which are related to CFT. The number theory related to p-adic group and modular form, and higher dimensional knots are topics of this workshop.


  • Laurent Baulieu (LPTHE)
  • Timothy Budd (Rudboud Univ.)
  • Severin Charbonnier (Geneve Univ.) (online)
  • Bertrand Duplantier (IPhT, U Paris Saclay)
  • Nina Holden (Courant Inst.) (online)
  • Motoko Kato (Ryukyu Univ.)
  • Makoto Katori (Chuo Univ.)
  • Shota Komatsu (CERN)
  • Wenliang Li (Sun Yat Sen Univ.)
  • Eveliina Peltola (Aalto Univ.)
  • Kazuhiro Sakai (Meiji Gakuin)
  • Xiaobing Sheng (OIST)
  • Hirohiko Shimada (Tsuyama Nat. Col. Tech.)
  • Hidehiko Shimada (Yukawa Institute Kyoto)
  • Yiling Wang (IHES)
  • Noriko Yui (Queen’s Univ.)

Nicolas Delporte, Reiko Toriumi, Shinobu Hikami (OIST)

Contributing talks and participation:
Please contact to organizers or conference secretary: Miwako Tokuda (OIST, RUA), miwako.tokuda [at] oist.jp

OIST is deeply committed to the advancement of women in science, in Japan and worldwide. Women are strongly encouraged to apply.

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Sponsor or Contact: 
Shinobu Hikami (Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Unit) | Conference secretary: miwako.tokuda [at] oist.jp
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Application Deadline

2023年5月13日 (土) (All day)

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