OIST Mini Symposium: Quantum Control of Light and Matter



OIST Seaside House



Quantum control of light and matter relies on coherent interactions between quantum systems (atoms, molecules, biological systems, etc. ) and light fields in order to prepare defined quantum states for quantum engineering. Quantum control is an interdisciplinary topic bringing together physicsists, engineers, mathematicians, biologists and information technologists. This symposium aims to bring together partners on the 2014 JSPS-funded Quantum Control research consortium (led by Prof Mikio Nakahara) and provide a means for discussion amongst project members and several international researchers with interests in the field.


Mikio Nakahara, Kinki University, Japan
Koji MaruyamaOsaka City University, Japan
Xi ChenShanghai University, China
Shumpei MasudaJames Franck Institute, University of Chicago, USA
Erik SjöqvistUpsula University, Sweden
Utkan GüngördüUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Daniel BurgarthAberystwyth University, UK
Kazutaka TakahashiTokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Kae NemotoNational Institute of Informatics, Japan
Chikako UchiyamaUniversity of Yamanashi, Japan
Thomas Busch, OIST
Síle Nic Chormaic, OIST
(This list is subject to change. Thank you in advance for your understanding.)


See attached file.
(This programme is subject to change. Thank you in advance for your understanding.)


Sponsor or Contact: 
Light-Matter Interactions Unit (Sile Nic Chormaic, Associate Professor)
All-OIST Category: 

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