IONS Okinawa 2017

Schedule at a glance
Conference Topics
IONS Okinawa is open to students in wide range of fields as follows:
- Optical Communications
- Optical Cooling and Trapping
- Optical Metrology
- Optical Trapping and Manipulation in Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Fiber Modeling and Fabrication
- Fiber Optics Technology
- Holography and Diffractive Optics
- Image Sensing and Pattern Recognition
- Quantum Computing and Communication
- Quantum Optical Science and Technology
- Tissue Imaging and Spectroscopy
- Nonlinear Optics
- Ultrafast Optical Phenomena
Invited Speakers
Steven Chu
Dr. Chu is a distinguished scientist and co-recipient of the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions to laser cooling and atom trapping. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Academia Sinica. He is a foreign member of the Royal Society, the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Korean Academy of Sciences and Technology. He received an A.B. degree in mathematics and a B.S. degree in physics from the University of Rochester, and a Ph.D. in physics from the University of California, Berkeley, as well as 31 honorary degrees. On top of his successful academic career, Dr. Chu also served as the 12th U.S. Secretary of Energy from January 2009 until the end of April 2013.
Jean-Luc Doumont
Engineer from the Louvain School of Engineering in Belgium, and PhD in applied physics from Stanford University, Dr. Doumont is now a lead instructor at Principiae and a world renowned lecturer on data presentation techniques. Some of the topics on which he has given seminars in the past include for example “Making the most of your presentation”, “Structuring your research paper”, and “Conveying messages with graphs”. He will give a public lecture as well as an exclusive talk to the IONS-Okinawa 2017 attendees.
Sonja Franke-Arnold
Dr. Franke-Arnold has been a lecturer at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, since 2005. She received her PhD from the University of Innsbruck in 1999. She held a Royal Society of Edinburgh and a Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellowship. Her interests include angular momentum of light, its classical and quantum properties, phase dependent atom optics, phase dependent dynamics, magnetometry, experimental atom optics but also, theory of electron vortices.
Yuta Michimura
Prof. Michimura had been an assistant professor at the Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, since 2014. This young professor received his PhD from the University of Tokyo and is currently working on the development of the gravitational wave telescope KAGRA as a leader of the main interferometer group. His work also involves experimental tests of fundamental physics using optical cavities. In 2016, he received the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan, and the Springer Thesis Prize for performing one of the most precise tests of Lorentz invariance.
Keshav Dani
Prof. Dani has been an assistant professor at OIST since November 2011. He completed a Director’s Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies at Los Alamos National Laboratory and graduated from UC Berkeley in 2006 with a PhD in Physics. He obtained his BS from Caltech in Mathematics with a senior thesis in Quantum Information Theory. His research interests are in studying the nonlinear and ultrafast properties of 2D and energy materials, terahertz spectroscopy and devices, and applications of femtosecond pulses to neuroscience. He will cover applications of femtosecond spectroscopy and exciting results in imaging electrons in semiconductors.
OSA Okinawa Student Chapter
Our OSA student chapter was started in Cork, Ireland, and moved to Okinawa along with the chapter advisor and the then-student president. We have been at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) for the past four years. During this time our chapter has been especially active in outreach events by teaching at local schools, giving talks, and taking part in local large science promotional events. In the last year alone we have participated in outreach extending to approximately 7,500 people. This year we continue our outreach endeavors and take on the challenging task of hosting an IONS conference.
IONS conferences are student run events which present excellent opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to meet with their peers, discuss science, and form social networks early in their career. Annually, between six and eight of these conferences in optics and physics are distributed globally. This year we would be happy to host you on our small island of Okinawa where, for the first time in its history, our university, OIST, is hosting such an event through the OSA student chapter. Have a look around our site, check us out on facebook and if it seems of interest to you apply. We look forward to hearing from you.
For further details, please visit the IONS Okinawa 2017 official website
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