Open seminar by Prof Dalibard


2016年9月29日 (木) 14:30 15:30


B250, Level B, Centre building


Speaker: Dr. Jean Dalibard, Professor, Collège de France and Laboratoire Kastler Brossel

Open Seminar Title: The Bose gas in Flatland, in and out of Equilibrium


The physics of many-body systems strongly depends on their dimensionality. With the realization of quantum wells for example, it has been possible to produce two-dimensional gases of electrons, which exhibit properties that differ dramatically from the standard three-dimensional case.

During the last decade, a novel environment has been developed for the study of low-dimensional phenomena. It consists of cold atomic gases confined in tailor-made light traps, forming thus a thin layer of material particles. In this talk I will present some key aspects of these quantum 2D gases, such as quasi-long range coherence and superfluidity. I will also address some remarkable dynamical features, like the nucleation of random permanent currents in the gas when it is rapidly cooled across the superfluid transition. Finally I will discuss the possibility to simulate quantum-Hall type phenomena with these atomic gases.


This is a part of the summer school CQD2016


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