Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Supporting our LGBTQIA+ Community

C-Hub is committed to supporting our LGBTQIA+ community at OIST and beyond. Creating an inclusive climate in our laboratories, offices, social spaces, and our interactions across the university is essential for the well-being and success of all individuals. While LGBTQIA+ acceptance and rights have continued to make progress, many still encounter discrimination, bias, and challenges.

Below is a starting point of resources for all of us to continue learning how we can affirm and actively support our LGBTQIA+ members.


LGBTQIA+ vocabulary and glossary of terms

Resources and Best Practices Guides

Professional and Student Organizations

Mental Health Resources

Inclusive communication

A curated list of resources, guides, websites, and papers aimed at advancing knowledge of best practices in inclusive communication.  

Inclusive STEM Training Environments

This resource contains the materials used in the Visiting Fellow Workshop, Designing Inclusive STEM Training Environments, delivered by C-Hub’s inaugural visiting fellow, Dr. Tari Tan. They aim to foster reflection on features of STEM training environments that either promote or inhibit inclusion, equity, and belonging among trainees. Included are strategies and approaches to create inclusive and equitable training environments in the classroom, laboratory, and institutional contexts.