Light microscope

Contact: Imaging Section (IMG-request* (replace* by @)


Laser: 405CW, 440 Pulsed, 442CW, 470-670 Pulsed Excitation / 592 CW, 660 CW, and 775 Pulsed STED

Objective: 10x/0.4 Plan Apo WD 2.2 (506407),  20x/0.75 IMM Plan Apo WD0.67 (506343),  40x/1.10 W Plan Apo WD0.65 (506357),  40x/1.30 Oil Plan Apo WD0.22 (506358),  63x/1.40 Oil Plan Apo WD0.14 (506350),  100x/1.40 Oil Plan Apo STED WHITE WD0.13 (506378)

25x/0.95 W Fluotarl WD2.4 (506375), 5x/0.15 Fluotar WD13.7 (506224), 93x/1.30 Gly PL APO WD0.30 (506417)

Detector: x3 HyD,x2 MA-PMT,x1 T-PMT

Software: LAS-X / Win10, LASX Navigator, Lightning,

Falcon FLIM, Stagetop Incubator, Adaptive Focus Control, Huygens Deconvolution

Zeiss Lattice  SIM5

Laser: 405, 488, 561, 640

Objective: 10x/0.3 EC Plan-Neofluar WD5.2,  20x/0.80 Plan-Apochromat WD0.55,  40x/1.40 Oil Plan-Apochomat WD0.13,  63x/1.40 Oil Plan-Apochomat WD0.19, 63x/1.20 Water C-Apochoromat WD0.28

Camera: x2 ORCA-Fusion BT

Software: ZEN Blue 3.10 / Win10

SIM2, SIM Apotome, Duolink, Leap mode, Brust mode, Experiment Designer, Stagetop Incubator

Zeiss LSM980 Airyscan2  (Confocal & Multiphoton)

Laser: 405, 488, 561, 639, 690 - 1040

Objective: 10x/0.45 Plan-ApoWD2.1,  20x/0.80 Plan-Apo WD0.55, 25x/0.8 W-O LD LCI PlanApo WD0.57,  63x/1.4 Oil Plan-Apo WD0.19.

5x 0.16 Plan-Apo WD12.1, 10x/0.3 EC Plan-Neofluar WD5.2, 40x/1.2 W C-Apo WD0.28,  100x/1.46 Oil αPlanApo WD0.10, 40x/1.40 Oil Plan-Apochomat WD0.13,`40x/1.0 W Plan-Apochomat WD2.5

Detector: x2 MA PMT and x1 GaAsP PMT (Spectral imaging)

Software: ZEN Blue 3.9 / Win10

Coherent Chameleon Laser (variable 690-1040 nm, 700 nm 1.4 w, 800nm 3.2 w, 900 nm 2.0 w, 1000 nm 0.8 w) for two-photon excitation, Multiplex Airyscan, Airyscan jDCV, Experiment Designer

Zeiss LSM900 (Confocal)

Laser: 405, 488, 561, 640

Filter: QB 375-395/410-440, 455-483/499-529,  545-565/579-604, 620-643/659-759

Objective: 10x/0.3 Plan-Apochomat WD2.0,  20x/0.80 Plan-Apochromat WD0.55,  40x/1.40 Oil Plan-Apo WD0.13,  63x/1.40 Oil Plan-Apo WD0.19,  40x/1.2W C-Apo WD0.28,  5x/0.16 Plan-Apochromat WD12.2

Detector: x2 MA PMT, x1 GaAsp PMT, x1 ESID (T-PMT)

Camera: x1 Axiocam 305 color

Software: ZEN Blue 3.8 / Win10

Experiment Designer, Stage Insert for four slides,  Stagetop Incubator

Zeiss LSM880 Airyscan  (Confocal)

Laser: 405, 458, 488, 514, 561, 633

Objective: 10x/0.45 Plan-Apo WD2.1,  20x/0.80 Plan-Apo WD0.55,  40x/1.30 Oil Plan-Apo WD0.2,  63x/1.40 Oil Plan-Apo WD0.19,  40x/1.2W C-Apo WD0.28,  5x/0.25 Flur WD12.5

2.5x 0.12 Fluar WD6.3,  5x 0.15 EC Plan-Neofluar WD13.6,  10x/0.3 EC Plan-Neofluar WD5.2,  10x/0.3 EC Plan-Neofluar WD5.2,  10x/0.45 PlanApo WD2.1,  20x/0.5 EC Plan-Neofluar WD2.0,  20x/0.5 EC Plan-Neofluar WD2.0,  20x/0.8 Plan-Apo WD0.55,  40x/0.75 EC Plan-Neofluar WD0.71, 40x/1.2 W C Apo WD0.28,  100x/1.40 Oil PlanApo WD0.17,  100x/1.46 Oil αPlanApo WD0.10, 40x/1.2 W-G LD LCI PlanApo WD0.41,  63x/1.2 G-O LD LCI Plan Apo WD0.49

Detector: x2 MA PMT, x1 GaAsp PMT (Spectral imaging), x1 T-PMT, x1 Airyscan

Filter for Airyscan: 420-475, 465-505, 500-545, 500-610, 525LP,  575-615, 575LP, 605LP, 655LP 

Software: ZEN 2.3 SP1 Black / Win7, ZEN2.3 desk Blue / Windows Embeded Standard

 Airyscan FAST, FCS, Experiment Designer, Stagetop Incubator

3i AxL Cleared Tissue Lightsheet

Laser: 405, 488, 560, 640

Filter: QB445/525/607/650, 525/40, 600/52, 692/40.

Objective: 1x/0.25 PlanNeoFluar FWD56, 1.5x/0.37 ApoZ FWD30

Camera: x1 ORCA-Fusion BT

Software: SlideBook / Win11

Zeiss Lightsheet Z1 

Laser: 405, 445, 488, 514, 561, 638

Filter: DAPI 420-470, CFP 460-500, GFP 505-545, YFP 525-565, Cy3 575-615, mCherry 585LP, DRAQ5 660LP

Objective: Illumination  5x/0.1 LSFM,  10x/0.2 LSFM Clearing, Detection 5x/0.16 EC Plan-Neofuar WD18.5 (for Water & Clearing),  10x/0.5 W Plan Apochomat WD3.7 (for Water),  20x/1.0 W Plan-Apochomat WD2.4 (for Water),  20x/1.0 G ClrPlan-Neofuar WD5.6 (for Clearing). 

Camera: x2 sCMOS

Software: ZEN 2014 SP1 Black / Win7

Stage Incubator, System for water (RI 1.33) or clearing regents (RI 1.45), Imaging of white light illumination 

Nikon A1R  (Confocal)

Laser: 405, 445, 488, 514, 561, 594, 640

Objective: 4x/0.2 PlanApoλ WD20.0, 10x/0.45 PlanApoλ WD4.0,  20x/0.75 PlanApoVC WD1.0,  60x/1.49 Oil ApoTIRF WD 0.12,  100x/1.49 Oil ApoTIRF WD0.12, 40x/1.25 S λSPlanApo WD0.3

10x/0.45 CFI-Plan Apoλ WD4.0,  10x/0.5 G PlanApo WD5.5,  20x/0.95 W λSApoLWD WD0.95, 40x/1.25 W Apo WD0.20-0.16,  60x/1.27 W PlanApoIR WD0.18-0.16,  60x/1.40 Oil Apo WD0.14.

Detector: x2 MA PMT, x2 GaAsp, x1 T-PMT

Software: NIS 6.01.00 / Win10, Deconvolution, Denoising

Resonant Scanner, Perfect Focus, Stagetop Incubator

Nikon A1  (Confocal)

Laser: 405, 445, 488, 514, 561, 640

Objective: 10x/0.45 PlanApoλ WD4.0,  20x/0.8 PlanApoλD WD0.8,  40x/0.95 PlanApoλ WD0.25-0.17,  60x/1.42 Oil PlanApoλD WD0.15,  100x/1.49 Oil SR ApoTIRF WD0.12, 4x/0.2 PlanApoλ WD20.0

Detector: x2 MA PMT, x2 GaAsp, x1 T-PMT

Software: NIS 6.01.00 / Win10, Deconvolution, Denoising

Perfect Focus, Stagetop Incubatior

Nikon Spinning Disk

Laser: 405, 445, 488, 561

Filter: Epifluorescence DAPI (361-389 415 430-490), GFP-B (460-500 505 510-560), TRITC (542/20 570 620/20), Spining Disk DAPI (Em 435-485), FITC (Em 515-555), TRITC (Em 590-650), DAPI-FITC-TRITC-Cy5 (Peak Em 446 523 600 677), CFP (Em 460-500), EM535/30 (Em 520-550), Cy5HYQ (Em 663-738)   

Objective: 10x/0.45 PlanApoλ WD4.0,  20x 0.75 Apoλ WD1.0 40x/1.3 Oil PlanFluor WD0.2, 60x/1.4 Oil λSApo WD0.14,  40x/1.15 W λSApoLWD WD0.61-0.59,  4x/0.13 PlanFluor WD16.5

Camera: iXon Ultra DU888U3 (Spining Disk), DS-Qi2 (Epifluorescence, Black & White)

Software: NIS 5.01.00 / Win7, Deconvolution

Yokogawa CSU-W1 (25 μm Pinhole), Perfect Focus

Olympus Spinning Disk - OSR

Laser: 405, 488, 561, 642

Objective: 10x/0.40 UPlanSApo WD3.1,  20x/0.75 UPlanSApo WD0.6,  30x/1.05 S UPlanSApo WD0.8,  40x/1.25 S UPlanSApo WD0.3,  60x/1.30 S UPlanSApo WD0.3,  100x/1.35 S UPlanSApo WD0.2

20x/0.7 UCPlanFL N WD1.8-0.8,  20x/0.75 UPlanSApo WD0.6,  40x/0.95 UPlanSApo WD0.18,  60x/1.40 Oil PlanApoN WD0.12, 100x/1.40 Oil UPlanSApo WD0.13, 100x/1.49 Oil UApoN WD0.1, 20x/0.75 UPlanSApo WD0.6, 5x/0.10 MPlanN WD20.0

Camera: x1 Prim BSI

Software: MetaMorph / Win7, Deconvolution

Stagetop Incubator

Nikon Ti-E TIRF 3 CCD camera

Laser: 405, 488, 561, 640

Objective: 10x/0.3 PlanFluor WD16.0,  100x/1.45 Oil PlanApo TIRF WD0.13, 100x/1.49 Oil SR HP ApoTIRF WD0.12

Camera: x3 EMCCD (Andor iXon Ultra DU-897U)

Perfect Focus, Stagetop Incubator

Nikon Ni-E (2)  (widefield epifluorescence)

Filter: DAPI (340-380 400 425LP), GFP-B (460-500 505 510-560), TxRed (540-580 595 600-660), Cy5 (630/38 665 694/44)

Objective: 4x/0.13 PlanFluor WD16.5,  10x/0.45 PlanApoλ WD4.0,  20x/0.75 PlanApoλ WD1.0,  40x/0.95 PlanApoλ WD0.25-0.17,  60x/1.40 Oil PlanApoλ WD0.13, 100x/1.45 Oil PlanApoλ WD0.13

Camera: DS-Qi1Mc (Black & White), DS-Ri-2 (Colour)

Software: NIS 5.01.00 / Win10, Deconvolution.

Nikon Ni-E (1)  (widefield epifluorescence) 

Filter: DAPI (340-380 400 425-485), TRITC (540/25 565 605/55), Cy5 (630/38 665 694/44)

Objective: 10x/0.3 PlanApo WD17.5,  60x/1.40 Oil PlanApoλ WD0.13, 100x/0.9 LUPlanFluor WD1.0

Camera: ORCA Flash 4.0 (Black & White)

Software: NIS 4.30.01 / Win7

Dark-field condensers

Nikon Ti2  (widefield epifluorescence)

Filter: DAPI U (383-408 425 435-485)GFP-B (460-500 505 510-560)TxRed (540-580 595 600-660), Cy5 (630/38 655 694/44)

Objective: 10x/0.45 PlanApoλ WD4.0,  20x / 0.75 PlanApoλ WD1.0,  40x/0.95 PlanApoλ WD0.25,  100x/1.45 Oil PlanApoλ WD0.13,  2x/0.1 PlanApoλ WD8.5,  4x/0.2 PlanApoλ WD20.0

Camera: DS-Ri2 (Colour), DS-Qi2 (Black & White)

Software: NIS 5.41.00 / Win10

Nikon Ti-U  (widefield epifluorescence)

Filter: DAPI-U (C176028)GFP (469/35 497 525/39)TRITC (542/20 570 620/52) 

Objective: 4x/0.13 PlanFluor WD17.2,  10x/0.3 LUPlanFluor WD17.5, 20x/0.45 SPlanFluor WD8.2-6.9,  40x/0.95 W PlanApoλ WD0.25-0.17,  60x/1.45 Oil PlanApoTIRF, 100x/1.45 Oil PlanApo WD0.13

10x/0.25 WD6.2

Nikon SMZ-25  (Stereo epifluorescence)

Filter: DAPI-U (MXK33221)GFP-B(454-496 510 508-554), RFP(530-560 575 593-643) 

Objective: 1x PlanApo WD60

Camera: DigitalSight10 (Colour)

Software: NIS 5.42.01 / Win10

Realtime EDF

Nikon SMZ-18  (Stereo epifluorescence)

Filter: DAPI-U (MXK33221), GFP-B (460-500 510 510-560), RFP (530-560 570 590-650) 

Objective: 1x PlanApo WD60 

Camera: DS-Fi3 (Colour)

Software: NIS 4.60.00 / Win10

Olympus / Evident  BX53  (widefield epifluorescence)

Filter: 1: Empty, 2:U-FBNA (470-495 505 510-550), 3: U-FGW (530-550 570 575IF), 4: U-FBW (460-495 505 510IF), 8: U-FDICT. 

Objective: 4x/0.13 UPlanFLN WD17,  10x/040 UplanSAPO WD3.1,  20x/0.75 UplanSAPO WD0.6,  40x/0.95 UplanSAPO WD0.18,  60x/1.35 UplanSAPO WD0.15,  100x/1.40 UplanSAPO WD0.13, 40x/0.65 PLCN WD 0.6.

40x/0.80 WaterDipping LUMPlanFLN WD3.3

Camera:  Visualix E31SPM03100KPA  1/1.8 3.1M Color

Software: ImageView / Win10