Electron Microscopy

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Atomic Resolution Analytical Transmission Electron Microscope
Manufacturer: JEOL
Model: JEM-ARM200F


Acc. Voltage: 200 keV

A device capable of observing atoms with high resolution,  TEM mode and STEM mode (with Cs correction function), an EDX detector and an EELS detector. (Scanning resolution: 0.078 nm)

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
Manufacturer: JEOL
Model: JSM-7900F




Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscope
Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Model: Titan Krios


Acc. Voltage: 300 keV

Cryo-stage/Autoloader plan 3

FEI Falcon 3EC, FEI Ceta camera, Gatan energy filter with Gatan K2

EPU automated data acquisition software, TEM/STEM Tomography software,  SerialEM, Leginon​

Other equipments:
Phase plate, STEM (BF/DF/HAADF detector)

Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscope
Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Model: Talos Arctica


Acc. Voltage: 200 keV

Cryo-stage/Autoloader plan 3

FEI Falcon 3EC, FEI Ceta camera

EPU automated data acquisition software, TEM/STEM Tomography software,  SerialEM, Leginon

Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscope
Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Model: Talos L120C


Acc. Voltage:120 keV

Single-tilt holder, high-field-of-view tomography holder, cryo-holder (Fischione, Model 2550)

FEI Ceta camera

EPU automated data acquisition software, TEM Tomography software, SerialEM



Serial Block-Face Scanning Electron Microscope (SBEM)
Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Model: Teneo-VS


The Teneo has a build-in microtome that allows the removal of a thin layer of resin with subsequent imaging of the remaining block-face to acquire high-resolution data of large volumes. Generally the volumes are larger and the resolution is lower that with a FIB-SEM.
This SEM can also be used for array tomography.

Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
Manufacturer: JEOL
Model: JEM-1230R


Acc. Voltage: 100 keV

An electron microscope that uses a beam of electrons as a source of illumination. As the wavelength of an electron can be up to 100,000 times shorter than that of visible light photons, electron microscopes have a higher resolving power than light microscopes and can reveal the structure of smaller objects.(Resolution: 0.2 nm)

Focused Ion Beam / Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM)
Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Model: Helios NanoLab 650


The Helios is equipped with a dual beam system: a focused gallium ion beam (FIB) for sample processing and an electron beam (SEM) for simultaneous imaging.
Our system is mainly used for FIB-SEM tomography of resin embedded biological samples.
A cryo-stage from Quorum Company, UK, allows to process and image cryo-samples.