[Seminar] SPH modeling of fiber orientation in a 3D printing process by Professor Phan-Thien Nhan
SPH modeling of fiber orientation in a 3D printing process
N. Phan-Thien1
Collaborators: J. Feréc2, E.L. Bertevas1, B.C. Khoo3
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117575, Singapore
2 Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des MATériaux de Bretagne (LIMATB), Univ. Bretagne-Sud, EA 4250, LIMATB, F-56100 Lorient, France
In the first part, a survey of the constitutive modeling of fiber suspensions is given. This is followed by a modelling of the fused deposition modeling process by a Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) approach, using a relevant and commonly used fiber suspension constitutive equation. The simulation results for the effects of the fiber aspect ratio and the volume fraction on the fiber orientation state within the deposited layer are discussed. The effects of fibre aspect ratios and volume fractions will be discussed. Our major observation is the existence of a skin/core structure where particles are strongly aligned in the skin region, and the importance of the substrate velocity relative to the extrusion velocity. The alignment of fibers is enhanced with fiber concentration, and a lower substrate to extrusion velocities. This is likely to have significant implications in terms of the final part properties and the SPH simulation method represents a promising tool for nozzle design and optimization.
Career History:
- 2017-2019: Honorary Professor, School of Aerospace, Mechanical and
Mechatronic Engineering, the University of Sydney, Australia - 2017-2021: Guest Professor, Harbin Engineering University, China
- 2016-present: Head, Mechanical Engineering Department, NUS, Singapore
- 2011-present: Professor in Mechanical, Mechanical Engineering Department, NUS, Singapore
Selected Relevant Publications
Over 350 publications with over 11000 citations and an H-index of 54 (full list of publication in http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=HJQ3tZgAAAAJ).
Some publications:
- Patent: Hai Minh Duong, Nhan Phan-Thien, Bowen Gu, Mark Pyne Pennefather, Thanh Xuan Nguyen, A polysaccharide aerogel stopping liquid bleeding and leakage, Provisional USA filing docket number P230555, Application number 62432244, 09/12/2016.
Top highly cited papers: (citations in square brackets)
- Understanding viscoelasticity: an introduction to rheology, N Phan-Thien, Springer Science & Business Media (2012) [196]
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