[Seminar] "Magnetic nanoswimmers" by Prof. Ambarish Ghosh

The idea of tiny vessels roaming around in human blood vessels working as surgical nanorobots was first proposed by Richard Feynman, a vision that has triggered imagination in scientists and non-scientists alike. With current advances in nanotechnology, there have been several strategies to realize this dream of a "nanovoyager", which is of both fundamental and technological interest. We will talk about a specific strategy to realize the voyager and describe how this system can impact diverse fields ranging from microfluidics to biophysics.
Ambarish Ghosh was an undergraduate student in Physics at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He completed his PhD in Physics from Brown University, where he worked on electron bubbles in superfluid helium. From 2005-2009, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University working on optical and hydrodynamic properties of chiral media. In 2009, he joined Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India as faculty member. His research interests include the study of quantum fluids, plasmonics, driven colloidal systems and their applications in biotechnology.
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