ECogS 2023

Conference program

Invited Speakers

Anshin Award Winners

Welcome to the 2023 International Conference on Embodied Cognitive Science, hosted by the Embodied Cognitive Science Unit at OIST.  This year's theme is What is Well-being? Comparative Perspectives

We are pleased to extend an invitation for contributions from all disciplines embracing the embodied approach. The conference welcomes contributions on all topics related to embodied cognitive science. That said, this year we are placing a special emphasis on exploring topics related to health, well-being, and flourishing, encompassing individual, collective, and environmental perspectives.

Embodied cognitive science has made great progress in theorising and empirically investigating how cognition emerges in the relationship between bodies and environments. Only more recently has it matured to discussing questions of health, well-being and flourishing.

One longstanding assumption of embodied approaches is that in healing the separation between mind and body, self and other, and subject and world this understanding can positively contribute to our relationship to ourselves, each other, and our environment. Taking stock of the current state of things we ask if, and if so how, an embodied approach is contributing to our health, well-being and flourishing.

See here for details about submissions to this year's conference. 

With warmest regards,
ECogS 2023 Organizing Committee

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