Code - Fujin - Validation - Non-Newtonian fluid

Non-Newtonian laminar plane Poiseuille flow


Sketch of the computational domain and of the Cartesian coordinate system.


We consider the pressure-driven flow of a viscous fluid in a channel, i.e., a plane Poiseuille flow. \(x\)\(y\), and \(z\) denote the spanwise, streamwise, and wall-normal coordinates, while \(u\)\(v\), and \(w\) the corresponding components of the velocity vector field. The lower and upper impermeable walls are located at \(z=-h\) and \(z=h\), respectively, and the flow is driven by a uniform pressure gradient in the streamwise direction \(P_y\).  The pressure gradient is such that with a Newtonian fluid the centerline velocity \(V_c = P_y h^2/2 \mu\) is equal to  \(1\)\(32\) grid points are used to discretise the domain in the wall-normal direction. Different non-Newtonian fluids are considered.

Power-law fluid

We consider shear-thinning and thickening fluids modeled as simple power-law fluids with local viscosity \(\mu_l = k \dot{\gamma}^{n-1}\), with power index \(n=0.75\) and \(1.75\), respectively, and fluid consistency index \(k\) such that \(\mu_l \left( \dot{\gamma}_0 \right)= \mu\), being \(\dot{\gamma}_0\) the mean shear rate in the channel for a Newtonian fluid, i.e. \(P_y/2 \mu h\).

Analytical solution: \(v \left( z \right) = \frac{n}{n+1} \left( \frac{P_y}{k}\right)^{\frac{1}{n}} \left[ h^\frac{n+1}{n} - \left(z-h\right)^\frac{n+1}{n} \right]\).


#define _FLOW_CHANNEL_
#define _SOLVER_FFT2D_
#define _MULTIPHASE_


! Total number of grid points in X, Y and Z
integer, parameter :: nxt = 4, nyt = 4, nzt = 32
! Size of the domain in X, Y and Z
real, parameter :: lx = 0.25, ly = 0.25, lz = 2.0
! Fluid viscosity and density
real, parameter :: vis = 0.01, rho = 1.0
! Imposed pressure gradient
real, parameter :: gradP = 0.02
! Reference velocity (bulk velocity or wall velocity)
real, parameter :: refVel = gradP/(3.0*vis)
! Gravitational acceleration
real, dimension(3), parameter :: gr=(/0.0,0.0,0.0/)
! Output frequency
integer,parameter :: iout0d = 100000, iout1d = 100000, iout2d = 10000000, iout3d = 10000000, ioutfld = 10000000
! Power-law index
real, parameter :: nn_n = 1.75 !THICK: 1.75 - THIN: 0.75
! Fluid consistency index
real, parameter :: nn_k=vis*(3.0*refVel/lz)**(1.0-nn_n)


! Simulation initial step
iStart = 0
! Simulation final step
iEnd = 1000000
! Choose the timestep
dt = 0.0002


Streamwise velocity. The blue solid lines denote the numerical results and the red symbols the analytical solution.


Oldroyd-B fluid

We consider an Oldroyd-B fluid [1] with relaxation time \(\lambda = 10\) and polymeric viscossity \(\mu_p=\mu/4\).

Analytical solution: \(v \left( z \right) = 2 P_y h^2/ \left( \mu+\mu_p \right) \left( z/2h \right)\left[ 1- \left( z/2h \right) \right]\).


#define _FLOW_CHANNEL_
#define _SOLVER_FFT2D_
#define _MULTIPHASE_


! Total number of grid points in X, Y and Z
integer, parameter :: nxt = 4, nyt = 4, nzt = 32
! Size of the domain in X, Y and Z
real, parameter :: lx = 0.25, ly = 0.25, lz = 2.0
! Fluid viscosity and density
real, parameter :: vis = 0.01, rho = 1.0
! Imposed pressure gradient
real, parameter :: gradP = 0.02
! Reference velocity (bulk velocity or wall velocity)
real, parameter :: refVel = gradP/(3.0*vis)
! Gravitational acceleration
real, dimension(3), parameter :: gr=(/0.0,0.0,0.0/)
! Output frequency
integer,parameter :: iout0d = 100000, iout1d = 100000, iout2d = 10000000, iout3d = 10000000, ioutfld = 10000000
! Polymeric viscosity and relaxation time
real, parameter :: nnVis=vis/4.0, nnLambda=10.0


! Simulation initial step
iStart = 0
! Simulation final step
iEnd = 2000000
! Choose the timestep
dt = 0.0002
Streamwise velocity. The blue solid line denotes the numerical results and the red symbols the analytical solution. The blue symbols are used for the numerical results obtained with the log-conformation tensor.


FENE-P fluid

We consider a FENE-P fluid [2] with relaxation time \(\lambda=10\), polymeric viscosity \(\mu_p=\mu/4\) and maximum dumbbell extension \(L=6\).

Analytical solution [3]: \(u= 2 P_y h^2/\mu \left( z/2h \right)\left[ 1- \left( z/2h \right) \right] + 3/(8 C \mu) (A_+^{1/3} B_- - C_+^{1/3} D_- + A_-^{1/3} B_+ - C_-^{1/3} D_+)\),


\(A_\pm = Bh \pm \sqrt{B^2h^2 + A^3}\),

\(B_\pm = 3Bh \pm \sqrt{B^2h^2 + A^3}\),

\(C_\pm = B \left( z-1\right) \pm \sqrt{B^2\left( z-1\right)^2 + A^3}\),

\(D_\pm = 3 B \left( z-1\right) \pm \sqrt{B^2 \left( z-1\right)^2 + A^3}\),


\(A=\left[a L^2 \mu_p^2+3aL^2 \mu_p^2/\left( L^2-3 \right) + L^2 \mu_p^2 a^2/\mu\right]/6 \lambda^2\)\(B=\left( L^2 \mu_p^2 P_y a^2 \right)/4\mu \lambda^2\) and \(a=1/\left(1-3/L^2\right)\).


#define _FLOW_CHANNEL_
#define _SOLVER_FFT2D_
#define _MULTIPHASE_


! Total number of grid points in X, Y and Z
integer, parameter :: nxt = 4, nyt = 4, nzt = 32
! Size of the domain in X, Y and Z
real, parameter :: lx = 0.25, ly = 0.25, lz = 2.0
! Fluid viscosity and density
real, parameter :: vis = 0.01, rho = 1.0
! Imposed pressure gradient
real, parameter :: gradP = 0.02
! Reference velocity (bulk velocity or wall velocity)
real, parameter :: refVel = gradP/(3.0*vis)
! Gravitational acceleration
real, dimension(3), parameter :: gr=(/0.0,0.0,0.0/)
! Output frequency
integer,parameter :: iout0d = 100000, iout1d = 100000, iout2d = 10000000, iout3d = 10000000, ioutfld = 10000000
! Polymeric viscosity and relaxation time
real, parameter :: nnVis=vis/4.0, nnLambda=10.0
! FENE-P dumbbell extensibility
real, parameter :: nnL2=6.0**2


! Simulation initial step
iStart = 0
! Simulation final step
iEnd = 2000000
! Choose the timestep
dt = 0.0002


Streamwise velocity. The blue solid line denotes the numerical results and the red symbols the analytical solution. The blue symbols are used for the numerical results obtained with the log-conformation tensor.


Elastoviscoplatic fluid

We consider an elastoviscoplastic fluid modelled with the Saramito model [4]. We fix the relaxation time \(\lambda=0.01\), polymeric viscosity \(\mu_p=\mu/4\) and yield stress \(\tau_0 = 0.01\). Due to the low value of \(\lambda\) considered, we compare the result with the purely viscoplastic solution.

Analytical solution: \(v \left( z \right) = P_y/2 \left( \mu + \mu_p \right) \left[ (z-1)^2 - h^2 \right] + \tau_0/ \left( \mu + \mu_p \right) \left[ (z-1) -h \right]\)   if  \(z_0 \le z-1 \lt h\)   else  \(v \left( z \right) = v \left( z_0+1 \right)\).


#define _FLOW_CHANNEL_
#define _SOLVER_FFT2D_
#define _MULTIPHASE_


! Total number of grid points in X, Y and Z
integer, parameter :: nxt = 4, nyt = 4, nzt = 32
! Size of the domain in X, Y and Z
real, parameter :: lx = 0.25, ly = 0.25, lz = 2.0
! Fluid viscosity and density
real, parameter :: vis = 0.01, rho = 1.0
! Imposed pressure gradient
real, parameter :: gradP = 0.02
! Reference velocity (bulk velocity or wall velocity)
real, parameter :: refVel = gradP/(3.0*vis)
! Gravitational acceleration
real, dimension(3), parameter :: gr=(/0.0,0.0,0.0/)
! Output frequency
integer,parameter :: iout0d = 100000, iout1d = 100000, iout2d = 10000000, iout3d = 10000000, ioutfld = 10000000
! Polymeric viscosity and relaxation time
real, parameter :: nnVis=vis/4.0, nnLambda=10.0/1000.0
! Yield stress (tautau0 fluid-like behaviour)
real, parameter :: nnTau0=0.01


! Simulation initial step
iStart = 0
! Simulation final step
iEnd = 2000000
! Choose the timestep
dt = 0.0002


Streamwise velocity. The blue solid line denotes the numerical results and the red symbols the analytical solution. The blue symbols are used for the numerical results obtained with the log-conformation tensor.


Steady and periodic shear flow with EVP fluid


Sketch of the computational domain and of the Cartesian coordinate system.


First, we consider a simple constant shear flow, with the shear rate \(\dot{\gamma}_0\): the Weissenberg number is fixed to \(Wi = \lambda \dot{\gamma}_0 = 1\), the Bingham number \(Bi = \tau_0 / \left[ \left( \mu+\mu_p \right) \dot{\gamma}_0 \right] = 1\), and the viscosity ratio \(\beta = \mu / \left( \mu + \mu_p \right) =1/9\).

Next, we consider a time-periodic uniform shear flow, i.e. \(\gamma_0 \sin \left( \omega_0 t \right)\), where \(\gamma_0\) is the strain amplitude and \(\omega_0\) the angular frequency of the oscillations. The Weissenberg number is \(Wi = \lambda \omega_0 = 0.1\) and two Bingham numbers \(Bi = \tau_0/\left[ \left( \mu + \mu_p \right) \gamma_0 \omega_0 \right]\) are considered: \(Bi = 0\) and \(300\). Note that, when \(Bi = 0\), the material behaves like a viscoelastic fluid, and when \(Bi = 300\) as an elastic solid. The viscosity ratio \(\beta = \mu / \left( \mu + \mu_p \right)\) is null in both cases, i.e. \(\mu = 0\).


#define _FLOW_CHANNEL_
#define _FLOW_FIXED_
#define _SOLVER_FFT2D_
#define _MULTIPHASE_


! Total number of grid points in X, Y and Z
integer, parameter :: nxt = 4, nyt = 64, nzt = 64
! Size of the domain in X, Y and Z
real, parameter :: lx = 1.0, ly = 1.0, lz = 1.0
! Fluid viscosity and density
real, parameter :: vis = 0.0, rho = 1.0 !Steady: 1.0/9.0, 1.0 - Oscillating: 0.0, 1.0
! Reference velocity (bulk velocity or wall velocity)
real, parameter :: refVel = 0.5
! Gravitational acceleration
real, dimension(3), parameter :: gr=(/0.0,0.0,0.0/)
! Output frequency
integer,parameter :: iout0d = 10, iout1d = 10000000, iout2d = 10000000, iout3d = 10000000, ioutfld = 10000000
! Polymeric viscosity and relaxation time
real, parameter :: nnVis=1.0, nnLambda=0.1 !Steady: 8.0/9.0, 1.0 - Oscillating: 1.0, 0.1
! Yield stress (tautau0 fluid-like behaviour)
real, parameter :: nnTau0=300.0 !Steady: 1.0 - Oscillating: 0.0/300.0


! Simulation initial step
iStart = 0
! Simulation final step
iEnd = 1000000
! Choose the timestep
dt = 0.001


Non-Newtonian stress tensor components. The blue solid lines denote the numerical results and the red symbols those from Ref. [4].
Non-Newtonian shear stress tensor component. The blue solid lines denote the numerical results and the red symbols those from Ref. [4].



[1] J. G. Oldroyd. On the formulation of rheological equations of state. In Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, volume 200, pages 523–541. The Royal Society, 1950.

[2] A. Peterlin. Hydrodynamics of macromolecules in a velocity field with longitudinal gradient. Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Letters, 4(4):287–291, 1966.

[3] D. O. A. Cruz, F. Pinho, and P. J. Oliveira. Analytical solutions for fully developed laminar flow of some viscoelastic liquids with a newtonian solvent contribution. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 132(1-3):28–35, 2005.

[4] P. Saramito. A new constitutive equation for elastoviscoplastic fluid flows. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 145(1):1–14, 2007.