COI-NEXT Call for Projects


Friday, November 24, 2023 - 12:00 to Wednesday, December 20, 2023 - 12:00


The COI Team is delighted to announce our Call for Projects, inviting submissions that meet three essential criteria:

  1. Alignment with Core Themes: We are looking for projects that resonate with our core themes—Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, and Healthy Environment. 
  2. Tangible Impact: We encourage proposals with the potential to deliver tangible outcomes. Projects should go beyond concepts and offer practical solutions, making a real and measurable impact.
  3. Diverse Collaborations: Successful projects will showcase collaboration across borders and sectors. We welcome proposals with active involvement from Japanese and international collaborators spanning academia, industry, and government.

Submit your Notice of Intent by December 10 and the Application by December 20 to


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