Career Talk: "How to write a lot and well" by Shinichi Nakagawa



C700, Lab 3


>> OIST students and employees can download the presentation slides here.


The main points of the talk are summarized in this paper:


Writing a Review to Publish: Two Tales
presented by Dr. Malgorzata (Losia) Lagisz and Prof. Shinichi Nakagawa (UNSW, Sydney, Australia)

Part 1: "Systematic Reviews for Beginners" (90 min)

September 26 from 10:00 in C700

Part 2: "How to write a lot and well" (90 min)

September 27 from 10:00 in C700

My research group has consistently published ~20 papers per year for 15 years, and most of these papers were published in the top 25% of journals (CiteScores) with an average citation of > 100. How did we manage to do this? There are several reasons. In this interactive talk session, I will share one core secret: how to write a lot and well. If you can do it, you are invincible in academia or elsewhere. But how do you do this? You should consider writing a review to transform you into an amazing writer.


Profile: Shinichi Nakagawa is originally from Japan but has studied and worked in New Zealand, the UK, Germany and Australia. He is a Professor of Evolutionary Ecology and Synthesis at the University of New South Wales (UNSW, Sydney). His work revolves around understanding individual variation and its maintenance. Yet, his work is interdisciplinary, with publications in (bio)medicine, psychology, ecology, evolutionary biology, environmental sciences, statistics and neurosciences. For more info, please visit his webpage.
Shinichi is visiting OIST through the Theoretical Sciences Visiting Program (TSVP) until September 30, 2023.


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