Strategic Japanese-Finnish Cooperative Program Medical Science


Thursday, July 11, 2013 - 00:00 to Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - 17:00


Online submission (e-Rad)


Strategic Japanese-Finnish Cooperative Program  Medical Science 


1. Overview & target reseach theme: The aim of the program is to strengthen collaboration between Japan and Finland within the area of “Medical Genomics with special attention to Bioinformatics” to achieve world-class scientific results, leading towards new innovative science and technology. 

  • Possible research topics for “Medical Genomics with special attention to Bioinformatics” are for example:
    advanced methods in data analysis, development of devices and technologies, biomedical IT, bioinformatics, omics (e.g. identification of disease genes, etc.), epigenomics, personalized medicine, cohort studies.

2. Eligibility:
- Proposals must involve a principal investigator from each country.
*An important criterion of the proposed collaboration is that it should build on and reinforce already on-going research activities in each research group and contribute significant added value to these through international collaboration.

3. Amount: up to 15 million yen for 3 years (Japan side) 

4. Period: 3 years 

5Deadline:  !!! September 25 (Wednesday) 17:00 !!!
If you would like to apply for this grant, please submit Grant Pre-submission Form to SRS (sponsored_research@oist.jpone month prior to the deadline

6. Guideline:

7. Application: Application may be written in free format.
Application form shall be written in English. 
PI on Japanese side needs to provide the research title and summary in Japanese.  Please follow the instructions in the guideline. 

You will need to apply for this grant through the online system called e-Rad.
If you are not registered in the system, please contact SRS to obtain loginID/password. 



Sponsor or Contact: (SRS)
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