Japanese-Taiwanese Cooperative Program on "Bioelectronics" and "Biophotonics"


Thursday, June 20, 2013 (All day) to Friday, August 30, 2013 (All day)


Online submission (e-Rad)


Japanese-Taiwanese Cooperative Program on "Bioelectronics" and "Biophotonics"


1. Overview
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the National Science Council (NSC) have initiated a program for joint funding of Japanese-Taiwanese cooperative research projects. After consultation between JST and NSC, “Bioelectronics” and "Biophotonics" have been selected as the field of research to which the joint funding scheme will be applied.

An important criterion of the proposed collaboration is that it should build on and reinforce already on-going research activities in each research group and contribute significant added value to these through international collaboration.

2. Eligibility:
- Proposals must involve a principal investigator from each country/region.
- Researchers from industry may take part in the joint collaboration:
In Japan – they may act as Principal Investigators;
In Taiwan – as partners in teams headed by Principal Investigators from  an academic institution or research institute. 

3. Amount: up to 15 million yen for 3 years

4. Period: 3 years, starting from January 2014

5. Deadline:  !!! Aug. 30 (Fri.) 17:00 !!! Japan time
If you would like to apply for this grant, please submit Grant Pre-submission Form to SRS (sponsored_research@oist.jpone month prior to the deadline

6. Application Guideline:http://www.jst.go.jp/inter/kiban/taiwan/proposal/guidelines_taiwan5th.pdf

7. Application

The application shall be written in English. For the Japanese applicants, some part of the application should be also submitted in Japanese. The Japanese and Taiwanese applicants shall write a common application that shall be handed in both to JST and NSC in parallel. Please follow the instructions in the guideline.

You will need to apply for this grant through the online system called e-Rad.
If you have not registered in the system, please contact us to obtain loginID/password.



Sponsor or Contact: 
sponsored_research@oist.jp (SRS)
All-OIST Category: 

Intra-Group Category

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