5th Annual SCORE!


1st Prize

Sponsor representatives and presenters

Kyuyo High School

"A New Usage of a Purple Sweet Potato : A Searching for UV Absorbing Substances of Contained in a Purple Sweet Potato"


  • Reina Kishimoto
  • Akari Noguchi
  • Eriko Itosu

2nd Prize

Chubu Agricultural High School

"The Way to Make the Vegetables Which Include Mineral Much"


  • Sayaka Higa

3rd Prize

Sponsor representatives and presenters

Henntona High School

"Revitalization of the Local Community by Eco-tour Guide! -River watching in the Yanbaru National Park- "


  • Wako Inafuku
  • Taichi Kanahara
  • Midori Hasegawa

Special Prize

Nishihara High School

"Manufacture of the Community-based Disaster Prevention Map Around Nakagusuku Bay"


  • Misaki Taira
  • Kouhei Yabiku

Record of Deadlines, Details, and Materials

SCORE! is designed to promote senior high school students’ hands-on science education and interest in entrepreneurship, as well as support the approach for English-Oriented Prefecture Okinawa.

What is SCORE?!?

  1. Do a science project—something new or something you’ve done before.
  2. Think about how the project can be used in business or daily life. How can you make money from it? How can you make life simpler or better?
  3. Enter SCORE!
  4. Give a short oral presentation about your project.
  5. Prizes include round-trip tickets from Okinawa to the U.S., iPads, and an internship opportunity at OIST.
When: Sat Dec 10, 2016  09:30-18:00
Where: Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Auditorium
Who: All senior high school-aged students in Okinawa are eligible

Deadlines and Schedule

Fri Nov 4 The deadline for applications has passed.
Fri Nov 11, 2016 Applicants notified of their acceptance
Fri Dec 2, 2016 Applicants must submit presentation material (e.g., presentation slides) and abstracts online via the website
Sat Dec 10, 2016 SCORE! Main Event at OIST Auditorium



Partner Organizations