Post-doctoral position

We welcome enquiries from scientists interested in joining our lab.


In addition we are looking to fill a specific post for a collaborative project to investigate the computational logic of stimulus representations during complex olfactory behaviours.

The post-holder will work on a collaborative project between computational and experimental groups: the Neural Coding and Brain Computing Unit (PI: Tomoki Fukai) and Sensory and Behavioural Neuroscience Unit (PI: Izumi Fukunaga) at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University, in Okinawa, Japan. The project will involve deciphering large-scale electrophysiological data concerning olfactory behaviour. The goal is to understand how context-dependent encoding of stimuli arises from the interactions of circuit elements in the brain.

The contract will be for 2-3 years initially, with the possibility of extending the contract.


About the environment

OIST is an international research institute without departments (, providing a unique opportunity for multi-disciplinary collaborations. We enjoy a vibrant intellectual environment, including international workshops and Theoretical Sciences Visitor Program. The working language in the lab, as well as of the institute, is English. A wide range of post-doctoral training schemes is available ( A dedicated team will assist with relocation.


Application selection

Candidates should submit a cover letter, CV and contact information for two references to Izumi Fukunaga ( A casual enquiry is also encouraged.