"Fast and Robust Control of Quantum Systems with Shortcuts to Adiabaticity " Andreas Raschhaupt

Fast and Robust Control of Quantum Systems with Shortcuts to Adiabaticity
Dr. Andreas Raschhaupt
Group Leader, University College Cork, Ireland
- Monday, 16 June
- 14:00-15:00
- Meeting Room C016, Lab1
Quantum adiabatic processes -that keep constant the populations in the instantaneous eigenbasis of a time-dependent Hamiltonian- are very useful to prepare and manipulate states, but take typically a long time. This is often problematic because decoherence and noise may spoil the desired final state, or because some applications require many repetitions.
"Shortcuts to adiabaticity" are alternative fast processes which reproduce the same final populations, or even the same final state, as the adiabatic process but in a finite, shorter time and still in a robust way. We will present such "shortcuts to adiabaticity" for the transport of quantum particles in a trap and for the passage from one internal atomic state to another. We will show how to optimize the stability of different shortcut schemes concerning different types of perturbations like, for example systematic and noise errors or errors originating from unwanted transitions to other levels.
Looking forward to seeing many of you at the seminar.
Quantum Systems Unit
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