Workshop: "Time Management"


Wednesday, June 20, 2018 - 09:00 to 12:00


Registration is closed.


Target Audience: Postdocs and Staff Scientists

Session format: Interactive workshop

Facilitator: Dr. Iris Wieczorek, President of IRIS Science Management Inc.

Short Description:

Research, teaching, career planning, funding applications, presenting at international conferences, private arrangements etc. etc. causes increased pressure, and results often in a feeling that many things are left half done or undone. There is not enough time for the important tasks and early career researcher are left with the uncomfortable feeling of again not having managed everything.

Learning objectives: 

    By the end of this session participants will be able to...

  • Understand the basics of time management
  • Identify priorities and time wasters
  • Improve productivity by using established time management tools

Workshop Agenda:

  • Basics of time management
  • Setting goals and priorities
  • Efficiency versus effectiveness
  • Important or urgent
  • Planning & structuring the time
  • Time wasters & thieves
  • Strategies to deal with the unexpected

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Spaces are limited to 12 participants. Waiting list will be created if the maximum number of participants is reached.

Registration deadline: June 13, 2018



Post-event survey SUMMARY


About the facilitator: 

Dr. Iris Wieczorek studied Japanese and Chinese Studies, and Computer Science at the University of Hamburg, Germany. She has over 25 years of Japan experience, and a broad knowledge about the academic and scientific systems in Europe and Japan. In 2000, she joined the GIGA Institute of Asian Studies in Hamburg, a member institute of the Leibniz Association, where she has been working on comparative assessment of the Japanese research and innovation system. In 2008, she established the Japan Office of the German Research Foundation (DFG) in Tokyo, and acted as its director until 2012. Subsequently, she founded IRIS Science Management Inc., a Tokyo-based consultant firm. Her work is based on a broad and trustable network in the scientific(political) communities in Japan and Europe. She is member of various Japanese research policy committees, and advisor to the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI), Cabinet Office Japan. 


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