Panel Discussion :"A Dialogue between Editor and Reviewers"



C210 - Ctr Bldg


Target Audience: Everyone who is involved in research and scientific publishing

Session format: Panel Discussion followed by Q&A

Short Description: Publication success is often regarded as the one and only thing that matters for scientists in academia. However, public trust in research excellence relies on the integrity of scientific peer-reviews and editorial process for publication. The working-behind-the-scenes conversations between journal editor and reviewers will entice all authors and aspiring authors into making better decisions during the navigation towards publishing success.

Facilitator: Dr. Cecilia Lu, Group Leader, Formation and Regulation of Neuronal Connectivity Unit 


  • Dr. Charles Yokoyama, Director of Research Administration, RIKEN Brain Science Institute & Former Senior Editor, Neuron (a Cell Press & Elsevier journal which publishes cutting-edge Neuroscience research) 
  •  Dr. Kenji Doya, Professor, Neural Computation Unit, OIST
  •  Dr. Tomoyuki Takahashi, Professor, Cellular and Molecular Synaptic Function Unit, OIST
  •  Dr. Thomas Busch, Professor, Quantum Systems Unit, OIST

​Discussion Topics:

  • What is fundamental advance vs. incremental advance?
  • Why publication ethics contributes to scientific advances?
  • How data transparency evaluated and does it matter for publication success?
  • What is the Journal cascading process?
  • What are the expectations of editors and reviewers in open access vs. major publishing houses?

Registration is NOT Required!

About Panalists:

Prof. Busch is the head of the Quantum Systems Unit at OIST, where theoretical research into the quantum properties of ultracold gases is carried out. He obtained his PhD in 2000 from the University of Innsbruck (Austria), spent his post-doc time in Denmark and Ireland, before becoming a PI at University College Cork (Ireland) in 2006 and moving to OIST in 2012. He has authored about 100 peer-reviewed publications and worked on the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports for two years.

Prof. Doya took BS in 1984, MS in 1986, and Ph.D. in 1991 at U. Tokyo. He became a research associate at U. Tokyo in 1986, U. C. San Diego in 1991, and Salk Institute in 1993. He joined Advanced Telecommunications Research International (ATR) in 1994 and became the head of Computational Neurobiology Department, ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories in 2003. In 2004, he was appointed as the Principal Investigator of Neural Computation Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) and started Okinawa Computational Neuroscience Course (OCNC) as the chief organizer. As OIST established itself as a graduate university in 2011, he became a Professor and served as the Vice Provost for Research. He serves as the Co-Editor in Chief of Neural Networks since 2008 and a board member of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS) and Japan Neuroscience Society (JNSS). He served as the Program Co-Chair of International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) in 2007 and 2016, the Program Chair of JNSS meeting in 2010, and the General Chair of JNNS meeting in 2011. He received Tsukahara Award and JSPS Award in 2007 and MEXT Prize for Science and Technology in 2012, and joined the College of Fellows of International Neural Network Society in 2013. He lead the MEXT project “Prediction and Decision Making” from 2011 to 2016 and currently leads a new MEXT project “Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science”. He is interested in understanding the functions of basal ganglia and the cortical circuit based on the theory of reinforcement learning and Bayesian inference.

Charles Yokoyama is the Director of Research Administration for the RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan’s flagship neuroscience center. As a researcher, he investigated   synaptic communication in the brain. He joined the research journal Neuron in the Cell Press unit of Elsevier as a Senior Editor where he managed peer review, publication, and post-publication science communication. At RIKEN he oversees research development and communication, and pursues transformative innovation in the scientific ecosystem.

Dr. Tomoyuki Takahashi 1975, Ph.D. from Tokyo Medical and Dental University:Identification of substance P as sensory transmitter. 1977-1980 Postdoc in UCL (B Katz lab): Excitation-Ca signal coupling. 1980-1993, Staff scientist in Kyoto University (i) Spinal cord synaptic physiology, (ii) Functional expression of cloned ion channels, in collaboration with Numa’s group, (iii) Development of slice-patch-clamp technique in collaboration with B Sakmann. 1993-2007, Prof in University of Tokyo: Synaptic transmission mechanism in brain slices. 2007-2015, Prof in Doshisha University/adjunct Prof in OIST (2007-2015): Regulatory mechanism of transmitter release. 2015-Prof in OIST: Synaptic vesicle recycling mechanism. Reviewing editor in Science (1995-2007), J Physiol (2002-2009), Eur J Neurosci (2001-2006).     


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