Workshop: "The Power of Mentoring: It’s All About Relationships"


Monday, January 29, 2018 - 09:30 to 11:30


B503, Lab1


Target Audience: OIST Researchers

Session format: Interactive workshop

Speaker: Janis Apted Yadiny, Associate Vice President for Faculty and Academic Development at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Learning objectives: 

    By the end of this session participants will be able to...

  • Identify strategies for building personal and professional relationships
  • Understand the Potential Mentor Self Pre-Check
  • Describe mentor pitfalls
  • Explain how to create developmental networks
  • Create a Smart Goal focused on mentoring

Registration deadline: January 28, 2018


About the Facilitator:

Janis Apted Yadiny, MLS, is the Associate Vice President for Faculty and Academic Development at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.  She has worked in higher education, health care, and international development organizations in Canada, England, Switzerland, Tunisia, Puerto Rico, Japan and the U.S.

In her current position, Ms Yadiny is responsible for the planning and implementation of a comprehensive faculty development program for 1,800 research and clinical faculty, and over 4,000 trainees including postdoctoral and clinical fellows.  Programming includes I*CARE (Interpersonal Communication and Relationship Enhancement for health care providers), Career and Entrepreneurship Education, Faculty Productivity and Organizing Services, the Faculty Mentoring Program, and all the faculty leadership development programs including the Supervisory and Management Program, the Heart of Leadership, and the Faculty Leadership Academy.  Ms Yadiny is also responsible for the executive coaching program for new faculty leaders and is a certified executive coach herself.

Faculty and Academic Development provides one-on-one career counseling to individuals and consulting services to faculty leaders including the planning and facilitation of department retreats and team alignments.  As an experienced trainer and facilitator, Ms Yadiny works with department chairs, division heads, and executive leaders to address issues impacting teamwork to enhance productivity and effectiveness.

The Faculty and Academic Development Program and its services are nationally recognized for their comprehensiveness and quality.

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