Workshop: "Interview Skills"


Friday, October 12, 2018 - 15:30 to 17:00


C700, Lab3


   **Sponsored by OIST Graduate School**

Target Audience: Graduate Students and Researchers

Session format: Interactive seminar

Speaker: ​Scott Morgan, The Morgan Group


This highly interactive 90-minute workshop covers the most common questions asked during job interviews and how to formulate the best responses.

For any scientist, at any level.


We cover behavioral, hypothetical, and technical questions. There are follows up around resumes and the art of discussing one’s work in an interview setting.

Real practice to answer the ten most common behavioral questions that revolve around:

  • Personal background
  • Academic background
  • Early scientific motivation
  • Specific field motivation
  • Current work
  • Strong point
  • Weak point
  • Why you?
  •  5-year plan
  • Hypothetical questions

Registration is required. Registration deadline: October 11th 2018

Researcher registration -  CLICK HERE. Students should register via Graduate School.

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