Seminar: "How to Write a Scientific Paper"

Target Audience: OIST Researchers, Professors and Graduate Students
Session format: Seminar followed by Q&A
Speaker: Dr. Steven Aird, Technical Editor, OIST
Short Description:
Having trouble turning your research data and conclusions into a publishable manuscript? "Publish or Perish" may not seem like the most attractive pair of options, but the former is actually less painful, even if it does not seem so at first. By following the techniques outlined in the session, your manuscripts will become clearer and more concise, and hopefully, more readily accepted by the journal of your choice. Even if you are an experienced writer or a native English speaker, you will glean useful tips.
Discussion points:
- what segments of a manuscript to write and when to write them
- how to write them so as to communicate well
- how to design effective figures and tables
- collaborative writing tools and reference managers
- authorship best practices
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Spaces are limited to 50 participants.
Registration deadline: February 20, 2019
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